The Taxpocalypse Continues as Apple Sets Itself to Add 20,000 New Jobs to the Economy


The death and destruction brought forth by the passage of the GOP tax bill continues as promised by Nancy Pelosi (D-Crazytown) as Apple has also announced that they too will be taking advantage of the corporate tax breaks and adding thousands of jobs to the economy.


According to the Associated Press, Apple announced on Wednesday that it will build a second campus, hire 20,000 workers, all in a $350 billion, 5-year commitment to the US economy.

Oh, the slaughter!

Ever since AT&T gave out $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 of their employees, we’ve seen a deluge of corporate success that’s been transferred to the people. Boeing and Comcast also rewarded their employees with more money, along with a slew of other corporations.

But now with Apple jumping onboard the train of utilizing the tax cuts in order to grow the business, and people gaining jobs, it would appear that even companies with a leftist bent can’t help but join in on spreading of despair to the Democrats.

Apple said it will announce where it will build its second campus later this year, but my money is on Texas.



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