
Sign of Trouble? Harris Camp Resorts to Disney's Method of Pushing a Product People Just Don't Want

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File

We have covered at length here many of Disney's failed programming decisions over recent years. The company seems determined to push out woke content that audiences do not want to see--the recent debacle “The Acolyte” being the most recent example. As seen with that release, and established previously with other programming options, the studio has developed a recognizable, four-step practice to attempt to save face and any business with their derided offerings.

  1. Push out decidedly woke content

  2. Lash out preemptively at any criticism (even when it is not happening)

  3. Tell those possible customers they are not welcomed

  4. Blame the audience when the release becomes a failure

Read More: 

Creator of Disney's 'The Acolyte' Tries Denying the Woke Content That Was Originally Celebrated

In a nearly identical fashion, we can see a similar practice occurring with the Harris campaign. As with many of the Disney decisions, it begins with a product for which there is no demand. In the case of “The Acolyte,” it was a storyline that diverted well away from established “Star Wars” canon and focused on social activism segments representing a microscopic portion of the fan base. For the Democrats, it was bringing forward an unpopular candidate with lower approval numbers than Biden, and who nobody voted for. Then we see her going through a very similar pattern as the Disney model.

  1. Push out a DEI-selected candidate

Given that Harris had little-to-zero record to run on she was heavily promoted not for what she is as a leader but who she is as a box-checking figure. Her being a woman and her race(s) were heavily promoted. Recall how we were constantly told about all of the “firsts” she represented by being anointed at the top of the Democratic ticket.  

  1. Lash out preemptively at critics

Almost in the same breath of the press touting these merit-free assets, they were next trying to battle back the commentary about Harris being a DEI politician. It was called racist to make this reference but it was idiotic, given the fact they were at the same time promoting her on her DEI bona fides. There were also past news reports where Joe Biden had brashly announced he was selecting his running mate based on being a POC female. 

  1. Push away undesirables

The next step by the campaign and the supportive press is to demonize and insult the critics. If you oppose Kamala in any fashion, you were labeled a racist/sexist/fascist/extreme MAGA-ist. While this is not a shocking development – just like Disney telling the audience to go away – it is also not any way to win over new voters.

  1. Blame the voters for not supporting the candidate

While we are weeks away from the election, there are mounting signs that Kamala is slipping in this election. Polling is unreliable, as usual, but when the press is crowing about the fact that she is inside the margin of error, that itself is a tell that things are not going well for her.  Signs are that their internal polling is somewhere between bad to disastrous. That we are seeing the press beginning to come out with critical pieces might indicate they are recognizing her as a sinking ship and are far less willing to be fawning in the coverage.

Read more:

Legalized Press-titution: Media Coverage of Kamala Has Reached Shameless Fangirl Levels Already

Another indicator that she is struggling is seen on MSNBC. Their correspondent and BBC reporter Katty Kay mentions that there is a portion of the electorate with which Harris may be struggling. This could serve as a severe challenge to her fortunes come November. How big of a portion of potential voters is she having a tough time getting traction? Let’s conservatively say, HALF.

Ms. Kay’s comments here would be tipping her hand that this was her having a peek at those inside polling figures. She was not simply indicating males as a soft sector but was stating how men across a number of demographics were a problematic metric for the Harris campaign. I’m sorry, but I was told confidently that this was in fact a strong component for her campaign. 

Am I to believe that the White Dudes For Harris has been a manufactured hype job and was not actually effective?!?! This could make me lose faith in astroturfed promotional efforts! 

Read more:

Even MSNBC Admits That Kamala Has a Big Problem With Male Voters - Their Solution Is Truly Funny

Granted, she came into this election at a late point, but it is also therefore far too late for Harris and the press to change tactics. The prior signaling that those leery of or doubtful about Harris were undesirable deplorables who were not the kind of citizens she wanted on her side has had an effect. As Katty Kay indicates, they are hoping for Tim Walz to lure men to her side; that is beyond desperate. 

For one, he will be debating another male, so this is a tough sell just on the surface. The other challenge has been the fact the campaign has completely hidden Walz, basically since the Democratic convention. How is this mook supposed to sway male voters when he is basically hidden in his basement man cave? One contrived video of him “changing” his truck’s clean air filter, and putting it back, will not quite cut it.

But sure, lashing out at male voters may end up paying off at the ballot. Just check in with Disney and ask how their fortunes turned out with “She-Hulk,” “Obi-Wan, or “The Acolyte” to see what the expected payoff will be with this tactic.


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