Legalized Press-titution: Media Coverage of Kamala Has Reached Shameless Fangirl Levels Already

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

This article is not made from the standpoint of surprise, but more of a sense of awe at the audacity of it all. Look, we all knew from the moment Kamala Harris was announced as the new head of the Democratic ticket that the media would be all in to help her cause, but what we have seen is them standing on the gas pedal and hitting that nitrous button the instant the starter tree lights hit green!


When JD Vance was announced as Donald Trump’s VP selection, the press came out instantly with criticism of his record and his past of opposing Trump. As I mentioned on the last Lie-Able Sources podcast — as Rachel Maddow went so far as to suggest Vance naming his company after a character from “Lord Of The Rings” was a sign of white supremacy — I awaited the lack of critical approaches to Kamala Harris. This was ahead of her christening as Joe Biden’s replacement. Her ascendancy since meant that not only would she be treated with kind hands, but the media have been overflowing with gushing praise for the woman to an unseemly level.

The first indicator you might see of how hands-off the press will be with her record is the claim that Kamala has “already been vetted.” This is sheer garbage. During her attempt at the presidential run in 2020, Harris managed to gain no traction, earning zero delegates and polling in fourth place in her home state of California, thus dropping out ahead of that promised embarrassing result. She was properly vetted in the debates by Tulsi Gabbard, who kneecapped Harris in an effective fashion.

But how about Harris’ record during her term as VP? As I recently covered, there is nothing but a resume of failures on her CV. It has been a laughable, pathetic spin by the collective media this week, recognizing the disaster that is the Biden-Harris immigration record, and thus attempting the neutered claim that Harris was never anointed as the Border Czar. They try to claim that Republicans created this “fable,” except they reported at the time she had taken on full responsibility at the border. Behold the outlets that become debunked by…themselves.


These are mere policy examples, however. The press is in full-bore swooning mode over Harris, her K-Hive following, and the magnificence of her outreach and social media effort. At The Atlantic, there was a complete breakdown of Kammy’s meme-ability — less than one day after the announcement of her replacing President Silveralert. Previously, at The Washington Post (more on this in a moment), Taylor Lorenz reliably detailed the Harris social media machine. 

Harris has adopted a theme to curry favor with the younger set. She has taken on the BRAT digital persona, a direct reference to British singer Charli XCX. Max Tani praised Kamala as “digitally savvy,” based on little more than Sunday night they merely rebranded the ratio-prone Biden-HQ Xitter account to “Kamala-HQ,” with the chartreuse coloring of CharliXCX. Many other outlets fell in line with the rapturous coverage of the “Kamala-Brat” theme – everyone from CNN, the BBC, ABC News, The Hill, CBS News, USA Today, and many others all got in on the squee-fest, sounding like Taylor Swift fans in line for the concert venue to open.


But when it comes to the frothing, shameless gushing over Kamala Harris, it may be difficult to find an outlet more in the tank than The Washington Post. Wading into that outlet’s archives there is a flood of coverage on the newly appointed party leader. Just peruse a few of these obsequious headlines.

I stopped counting after crossing more than two dozen features on the woman, and of those, only one might be considered looking at her somewhat critically, as it addressed her history of being gaffe-prone. Otherwise, we have 25 or so pieces of warm coverage — Twenty-Five — and that is just from Sunday's announcement!

So gird yourselves; this will be the level of posturing seen in the press for the next three months or so. It appears the media complex that was completely exposed as a hackery factory when Biden dissolved on camera at the debate has learned nothing from attaching itself in a remora-like fashion to this administration. We look forward to more examples exposing the shot glass-deep intellects of our journalistic betters.



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