Oh my heavens, can’t you people take a joke?!
The Babylon Bee is high on the list of political satire sites for many of us. The very fact there are right-of-center sources willing to poke fun at anyone is itself a refreshing change, but not everyone is so amused. The owner of the parody outlet, Seth Dillon, made the announcement recently that he had run into the mewling mobs of cancel culture.
Dillon detailed that he had been scheduled to speak recently at Palm Beach Atlantic University, located in West Palm Beach Florida, situated on the Atlantic coast of the state. So it is not only a catchy name. Seth was all set to speak at the campus from which he graduated, except there was something akin to a backlash and on the day prior to his speech he was informed of an issue.
Cancel culture has come for me. I'm just too dangerous and divisive to be permitted to speak on the campus of my alma mater.
Since when do you have to support terrorist organizations that use violence and intimidation to advance their agenda to be welcome on a Christian campus? pic.twitter.com/FyOftCCRem
— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) September 29, 2020
As we have come to expect in these matters, a number of cranks took to the streets in opposition to Seth’s arrival! Well…they at least sent out some emails and made some tweets — but they were outraged! It was enough of a flood of inbox distemper to have the school officials becoming squishy on the matter, and they told Dillon that he was going to have to give his speech in the school library instead of sullying the sanctity and holiness of the chapel, where he was initially set to be staged for his talk.
Campus Reform spoke with Dillon on the matter, and he explained how he was enduring the practiced reaction we have all become accustomed to in the cancel culture era: gauzy complaints are quickly acted upon by cowardly administrators who then turn meek and deliver word salad as an explanation of their unfounded fears. Seth told them how complaints over Twitter comments should not apply to the agreed upon speech content.
”The assumption that I would bring a Twitter discussion into chapel and stray from the subject matter I agreed to discuss was pretty uncharitable,” he explained. “It seemed to me that it was an excuse… what they wanted to do was cancel me without canceling me and appease everyone involved.”
He also revealed another hallmark of cancel culture, in that they could not even tell him what specifically was objectionable in their estimation. He stated the faculty member he was in contact with, ‘’Would not explicitly tell me what I’d said or done that made my presence in the chapel suddenly inappropriate. I told her that if I’m not welcome in their chapel, then I don’t feel welcome on their campus.”
Making this decision even more obtuse for the college is that Dillon is a benefactor. He has donated $300,000 to the school previously to help kick off a masters program, but now indicates that he would not be so forthcoming with his donations, at least until the school shows some spine and stands up to these hectoring cancel crowds.
”If the university were to boldly and openly engage in the battle against cancel culture and take a clear stand against it, and back up people like me to the mob instead of doing exactly what the mob wanted them to do… then I wouldn’t have any qualms about donating to them in the future.”
So yes, there is one other common element we see is in place with institutions paying fealty to those who otherwise would not pay attention to them — going woke and going broke is once again the end result
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