How DARE anyone expose the truth about them, while they are busy disseminating lies…?
There is an admission needed that there is a weakness on my side when it comes to the Never-Trump crowd. It is not rooted in the knee-jerk defense of the President but is a pure reaction to the smug condescension from self-avowed keepers of the ‘’true conservative’’ flame. Political opposition I can accept, but when being called inferior over conservative legitimacy by a group of blatant leftists, I’m sorry — ridicule and derision are going to happen.
The latest entails that gaggle of hucksters from The Lincoln Project. The crowd of self-guilding political ‘’operatives’’ has been gradually exposed on the regular in recent weeks, and the latest has arrived via the New York Post. Reporter Ebony Bowden has a tasty expose’ on the various members of TLP, and most amusing is they are rather upset about it. How dare anyone resort to their own tactics!
The group should be known instead as the ‘’Hypocrisy Project’’, based on the facts showing that what they complain the loudest about. Rick Wilson has been in the midst of a particularly glaring flameout. The man who loves vulgarly describing President Trump’s racism has been exposed as harboring confederate affections. His infamous Rebel Flag beer cooler has rendered that extension of his bile as now moot. But other contradictions have come to light.
Wilson has been harping on Trump about his lack of tax return transparency, but that seems projection now. He currently has a massive tax lien on his home. On top of this, the man who enjoys mocking Trump over being broke is also saddled with credit card debt to the tune of tens of thousands. And Wilson is hardly the lone prevaricator.
Fellow member John Weaver, who hails from the dismal John Kasich campaign is especially noteworthy. As the Lincoln Project has not shied away from the disproven Russian collusion story it has just been revealed he was registered as a Russian agent in order to lobby on behalf of Russian interests. It was not a matter of digging into his past either; Weaver obtained this status last summer, long after all matters concerning Russia have been demonized for years.
Weaver has also been on the frontlines of referring to Trump as a tax cheat and fraudster. And Weaver has also found himself sitting on a massive tax lien on his home as well. And just to cap it off Weaver has ironically slammed Trump over his failed business dealings. Well the Post has found that Weaver and his wife have a lawsuit leveled against them by a Texas mall owner over their clothing business.
Just to complete the trifecta we get Steve Schmidt, who enjoys a preferred status at MSNBC for being a GOP political strategist, is found to be lacking in political heft. His residence is in the state of Utah, but that state has effectively delisted Schmidt from the voting rolls. He has become labeled as an ‘’Inactive voter’’ due to inactivity over the past 2 years, as well as failing to respond to communications looking to confirm his status.
The result of this recent piece has brought out the daggers from The Lincoln Project. Bowden has come forward after the release of the article to say that she has been on the receiving end of serious aggression from the members. She cites Schmidt in particular as being particularly hostile.
I've worked on many difficult stories and I've never had anyone try to discredit me as hard as @SteveSchmidtSES is trying to. We stand by our story on how the founders of the @ProjectLincoln are deep in debt and linked to Russia. I won't be bullied and that's all I have to say. pic.twitter.com/t5SHPDD2C6
— Ebony Bowden (@ebonybowden) July 22, 2020
This comedy showcase sounds like a film reviewer who can be particularly hostile towards certain movies, but then becomes incensed when anyone dares to disagree with their opinion. Only they are permitted to be harsh and nasty, but the moment anyone comes after them they turn ugly.
The funniest part, what has the members of The Lincoln Project most upset is not conjecture and accusations — it is the facts.
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