I swear, this is some pretty unbelievable #&!*.
With theaters closed it makes sense that other cinematic diversions would be generated to stoke the interest in motion pictures. One oddity is a study that has been discovered that covered the number of profanities seen in films in recent years, and the top vulgarians are a bit of a surprise. For some, it could be damned shocking.
The actor Samuel L. Jackson has become known for not only his ubiquitous presence in movies — he has achieved a Michael Caine/Gene Hackman-level of work — but also for his use of vulgarity on screen. He has woven the guttural language so deftly in his career that the thespian has pulled the profane into his oeuvre and made it into an art form. He has even generated laughs by the way some of his titles had to be altered for broadcast television; one ridiculously -dubbed edit that stood out was the line ”I’ve had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on the Monday-to-Friday plane!’’
So it arrives as a surprise that he is discovered to not be at the top of the list of low-grade loquacious linguists. The study, made by the site buzzbingo.com, analyzed over 3,500 screenplays involving some of the crudest dialogue, then applied various statistics to discover that actor Jonah Hill sits atop the cursing mountain. This was bolstered by his appearance in the film ”The Wolf of Wall Street’’, a title that tops the list of crude films.
The curious amusement can be found in how the metrics are measured. Jonah Hill logged 376 uses of profanity, his co-star in ”Wolf’’ Leonardo DiCaprio was a close second with 361 (surely aided by regular appearances in Quentin Tarantino films), with Jackson coming in third with 301 instances. When it gets revealing is in looking at the instances per 1,000 words of dialogue.
Hill was found to swear almost 23 times per/1K, and moving into 2nd place is Adam Sandler with 12.3 per/1K (boosted by his character of Howard in the recent ‘’Uncut Gems’’, the second most film on the list.) and DiCaprio in third. This averaging shows Jackson falls all the way down to the eighth position, with less than 7 profanities per/1K, which indicates the performer sells his swears with far more effectiveness in order to achieve his infamy.
One oddity found was the 1997 release ”Nil By Mouth’’, directed by actor Gary Oldman. While third on the list in total vulgarities it ranks Number One in average profanities, sporting over 41 swears per/1K, topping ”Gems’’ with 35, and ‘’Wolf” sitting at 30. That’s pretty #&!*-ing impressive!
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