We are entering that pedantic time of the year when media outlets and lazy journalists resort to the annual compilation pieces. Kicking off the worst of the best-of lists is Glamour Magazine which is honoring its “Women of the Year”.
Let us just meet the obvious head on here: I am a testosterone-polluted male, which means my chemistry and my plumbing precludes me from understanding. But dammit, realism, common sense, and plain old-fashion adherence to facts is something I like to think crosses over gender lines. As someone who self-identifies as a pragmatist I believe I can stand in my own truth and measure the efficacy of this list.
To start with, the piece begins with a lengthy passage celebrating the Women’s March movement, and its organizers are listed among the “Women of the Year.” As you may recall, the Women’s March was actually a series of marches and rallies that were staged across the country. Springing forward from the November general election these were mostly in response to Hillary Clinton losing the election, and/or opposing Donald Trump’s Presidency — because he was going to outlaw females…I think???
That is the biggest mystery about these marches; what was ever accomplished? The news reports were filled with stats about attendance figures, how many cities held rallies, and the photos that flooded social media of people adorned as genitalia. Annnnddd? What resulted from all of this? I suppose we can call it a success, since it is still legal these days to be a female.
Yet this organization had some decidedly anti-female positions. Take the fact that Linda Sarsour is one of the co-chairs of this group, and named by Glamour among the women they are honoring. She advocates for Sharia law (seriously, including rolling her eyes about driving privileges), and has denied that female genital mutilation is a component of that faction. When met with opposition from victims of that atrocious act Sarsour attacked the victims. But that Donald Trump, amirite?!
Additionally the Women’s March let it be known they do not represent all women. Leaders made it clear that pro-life women would NOT be welcomed at their events.
So let’s move on to the rest of the “winners”. These are the individual honorees.
One thing you are easily going to note: These ladies all seem to hail from the same side of the social spectrum. There is a certain uniformity in the women who are praised for broadening perspectives, widening awareness, and highlighting what is important to women. Make that, certain women of the approved segment of society.
GIGI HADID — Supernova
Feminists bristle at the beautification and celebration of the female form, so of course a super model is celebrated here. And why is she on this list? Apparently she works a lot. And she’s really nice. Oh, except when she mocks the accent of the First Lady (who speaks five languages, mind you Gigi.) She also is against guns, so bonus points!
MAXINE WATERS — Lifetime Achievement
Yes, they are serious. They describe her as possessing a “laser-sharp tongue—surgical in its precision, devastating in its impact.” (Allow me a moment here; I need to clean up this Rogue Dead Guy Ale off my keyboard.) Waters has left a vibrant history of cerebrally challenged prolix, but she is on this list mainly for calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment. It was a fight she undertook, mind you, before he was in office even two full weeks.
SAMANTHA BEE — The Late-Night Hero (Not heroine? Do we not do that anymore??)
Ms. Bee has distinguished herself in the field of talk show hosts who were attacking Donald Trump every night — by attacking Donald Trump…every single night. She has become a social media darling largely due to media figures insisting she is so cutting edge, by doing the same thing as everyone else. Her hourlong program normally produces, at best, enough scathing content to fill up a whole tweet. But that tweet will be retweeted by numerous journalists, so she’s the latest “woke” pundit “destroying” the opposition.
She became the first woman to become Artistic Director at Christian Dior. This is historic to be sure, but in the scheme of social femininity what is served? For her first fashion show one of her pieces had the words”We Should All Be Feminists”. It was on a t-shirt. She is quoted as saying, “Women are not simple flowers. Women are more.” (ed. Note: Nodding sage-like)
It seems apparent that one of the requirements to being named on the Glamour list is that you hew to leftist dogma. Towing the line of liberalism, and opposing President Trump are far more important than actually accomplishing things. Hell, you do not even have to be beneficial to females to be declared a Woman of the Year.
By that token alone, I could have qualified.
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