The Democratic Party Wants to Die

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

On Saturday evening, the Democratic National Committee held its elections, and to say things devolved into absurdity would be an understatement. 

The proceedings were stopped at one point because a "non-binary" person had not been elected to a position yet. Candidates were even culled based on "gender balance." The cherry on top, though, was David Hogg being made vice chair of the party. 


SEE: Things Get Even Wilder at the DNC 

So what's Hogg's big draw that makes him qualified to be one of the top officials within the Democratic Party? According to his supporters, he's going to attract "young voters," you know, because he's been so great at that in the past. Just look at this dynamism. 

As I noted in my prior write-up about the DNC circus, Hogg claimed during his candidate speech that he had "won" as a political activist. What has he won? I'm not quite sure, but let's go over his record. 

Hogg stood on the bodies of his classmates who died during the Parkland shooting in Florida to propel his political career. He was part of an astroturfed gun control group that featured several students from the school. Naturally, the Democratic Party elevated him with speaking slots and cable news hits. Hogg was then accepted to Harvard despite having woefully sub-par test scores that never would have qualified him otherwise. From there, he branched out into starting a pillow company which sure seemed like a scam given he raised money but never delivered a single pillow. 


That pretty much brings us to the current day. As far as I can tell, Hogg has never held a real job, and none of his activism has ever added up to anything but losing elections. His home state of Florida has become solidly red, and we all know how the national elections in 2024 turned out. In other words, Hogg appears to be the least qualified, least accomplished DNC official in history, and yet, Democrats saw his record and thought, "Let's make him one of our leaders."

It's astonishing when you think about it. As I said at the beginning of this piece, this is a party with a death wish. If anyone thought, and some more moderate Democrats presumably did, that there would be a course correction, they were incredibly wrong. Not only has there not been a course correction, but the party's leaders are going further into woke insanity, making it the very core of their messaging and identity. 

Notably, many of us who comment on politics said this would happen. You can't simply flip a switch and change the base of a political party, no matter how destructive and irrational it may be. The Democratic Party has long been inundated by radicals who believe gender ideology and communism are the answers to all the world's ills. Those people weren't going to have an epiphany just because they got their clocks cleaned in 2024. They were always going to double down, which is why you don't feed the alligator in the first place. The Democrat establishment did so by elevating the David Hoggs and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs of the world, and now they are being consumed. 


That's how you end up with twice-failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris being the odds-on favorite to be the Democratic Party nominee in 2028. 

Harris was the most left-wing nominee in history, subsisting politically solely off her intersectionalism, and the party's voters are signaling they want to give that another go. In short, they've learned absolutely nothing, and if it wasn't clear before, it's clear now. Democrats are going down with the ship. The iceberg is directly in front of them and it's broad daylight, but they simply don't care.


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