Joe Biden is no longer president and not a moment too soon. After producing the most corrupt slate of pardons in American history, he and Jill Biden shuffled off to Joint Base Andrews to board Air Force One for the last time. Before heading to California for another vacation, something the former president spent nearly 40 percent of his presidency on, he slurred his way through one final speech.
ALSO SEE: Biden Pardons Fauci, Milley, Others in Shocking Abuse of Presidential Power
In doing so, he took his shots at Donald Trump while speaking in delusionally lofty terms about the results of the last four years.
BIDEN: History's going to mark down just what you did, you know, but the point I want to make today as I made clear in my farewell address, as we all do have more to, we have a lot more to do. If you heard the inaugural address today, then we've got a lot more to do.
(Pauses and makes the Sign of the Cross)
I heard the inaugural address delivered by now-President Donald Trump on Monday, and Biden is correct that there's a lot more to do. He's just not right in the way he means it. America's decision to elect Trump to a second term is a direct rebuke of the defunct Biden administration and its disastrous policies. People stood up and said enough is enough. While the Democratic Party and its radicalism will undoubtedly see a resurgence at some point because that's how these things go, it has been rejected for the foreseeable future.
Biden doesn't want to admit that because even though he's been as thoroughly defeated and embarrassed as any president in recent memory upon leaving office, he still longs to be seen as a historic statesman. I hate to break it to him, though: That ship has sailed.
BIDEN: We're leaving office, but we're not leaving the fight. You're smart. You're skilled. You're passionate. The country needs you again. So stall you can. Stay engaged in all the ways you can, whether it's in public service, the private sector or philanthropy, academia, running for office yourself, or anything else you choose to do. I give you my word, we believe in you. We, Jill and I, our family believe in you. Just as I've said, how the laws we enacted, our seeds are going to grow and bloom for decades to come. I say that to you as well.
No, I can assure Joe Biden that he is definitely leaving the fight. He is not going to continue to be a party leader, and I'd be surprised if he's even much of a public figure going forward. Those around him are also likely to see their influence wane. There is a fight going on within the Democratic Party about what direction to go next, and those who enabled Biden's derangement that he could run for a second term are going to share in the blame for Trump ending up back in the White House.
That's not necessarily good for the country, though. Why? Because while Biden's handlers were left-wing true believers, they were the more "refined" version of that ideology. Progressivism is a never-ending march toward identity-based insanity, and there are far crazier factions that will end up winning the day in this power struggle.
BIDEN: We're on the cusp of real change, so let's make hope (inaudible slurring). I love you all. I'm keeping you too long. But thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Do I go out this way...(confused as to how to exit the stage)
I hate to break it to Biden, but the real change has already happened. It happened during today's inaugural ceremony. The former president's only accomplishment will forever be ushering in a second Trump term through sheer force of incompetence and malfeasance. Biden getting confused trying to exit the stage (for the umpteenth time) is a metaphor for his entire term. It was a meandering mess, controlled by a shadowy cabal who saw a senile old man as the perfect vehicle to push their agenda. That has now completely backfired, and no amount of putting lipstick on the pig will change that Biden's legacy is in tatters.
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