WATCH: Even Jake Tapper Can't Hide His Laughter at the Biden Campaign's Latest Stupidity

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

The extent to which the Biden camp has lost the press would have been unthinkable just a month ago. Yet, as things have snowballed regarding the president's mental and physical health, the gloves have come off, and Republicans are here for it. 


CNN has long been one of the friendliest networks to the Biden administration, and it was pretty obvious that the two colluded to dictate the terms of the first debate. One of the reasons things went so badly for Biden is that the rules, which were meant to stop Donald Trump from dominating rhetorically, ended up isolating the president and exposing his condition with no interruptions or distractions. 

Jake Tapper was one of the moderators for that debate, but since the mask has been removed, he's suddenly found his penchant for journalism. Despite his relatively soft past coverage of the president, not even he could hold back his laughter at the Biden campaign's latest stupidity. 

Read: Biden Campaign's Response to George Clooney Op-Ed Is Straight Outa LOLsville

REPORTER: In response to those comments from George Clooney, Jake, a campaign official who attended that Los Angeles fundraiser tells me that George Clooney left three hours before the president. So clearly, the gloves are off, Jake. 

TAPPER: But what does that mean, that George Clooney left three hours, what's the point? 

REPORTER: The point of that is to suggest that Biden's stamina is better than Clooney's and Clooney didn't have eyes on the entire event. That's the response to the Clooney op-ed. 

TAPPER: Okay (Laughs)


I love that the Biden campaign has been reduced to citing how late the president stays up as absolute proof of his mental capacity. They are like middle schoolers arguing over who can throw a ball the farthest. Of course, the framing is ridiculous. Someone can be senile and occasionally stay up late, and while Biden may have been there, he wasn't really there. That was the same fundraiser where the president infamously froze on stage and had to be guided off by Barack Obama, leading to the White House accusing conservative media of pushing "cheap fake videos."

ALSO SEE: Desperate Biden Campaign Turns to Paranoia, Starts Attacking Allies, Including Barack Obama

With that said, it's hilarious to see that Tapper can no longer hide his contempt for the nonsense that is being fed to him by the Biden campaign. No one believes that Clooney, who himself is in his 60s, has less "stamina" than the president, but there was a time when the press would have. To see them do an about-face and begin laughing at the gaslighting coming from Biden and his handlers is still a pinch-me moment for conservatives. Is this some alternate timeline we've all been thrust into? 


How long will this newfound hostility last? I don't know. The cynic in me says they'll all circle the wagons the moment there is no question that Biden is the candidate on the ballot in November. Still, something about this feels different. It's as if the press have decided they don't care who wins because they have to save their reputations. There's a resentment that the White House put them in this position, and it's playing out in real-time. 


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