Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of an infamous Hamas commander, left a pro-Hamas activist's mouth gaping during a recent appearance on Dr. Phil. It's a must-see exchange and one of the cleanest takedowns on national television I've ever witnessed. That Yousef speaks with such personal experience and authority on the issue is what truly brings it all together.
RELATED: Son of Hamas Commander Drops Truth Bombs About the Terrorist Organization
At one point, he even accuses the American activist, who is wearing a keffiyeh, of cosplaying and having no idea what she's talking about. If anything, my headline understates just how gold this is.
(NOTE: English is not Yousef's first language, and the transcription is in his words)
Son of Hamas commander:
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) April 4, 2024
“There is no difference between Hamas and the so-called ‘Palestinians’, as the vast majority of them support Hamas… There are no ‘Palestinian’ people. There are conflicted tribes, and without Israel as the common enemy, they would kill each other.”
YOUSEF: Now we have the problem of the pro-Palestine who are actually giving Hamas cover. They are participants in the crime. In fact, since October 7th, I personally don't differentiate between Hamas and so-called Palestinians because, actually, there is no Palestinians. There are tribes. There is the tribe of Hamas and there is the tribe of Islamic Jihad, and there is the tribe of Khalil, and there is the tribe of Nablus, and each one has different interests and all of them are conflicted. If they did not have Israel as the common enemy, they would kill each other. This is the reality of so-called Palestine.
ACTIVIST: Do you realize that's common colonial rhetoric?
YOUSEF: You don't know what Palestine is. In fact, the keffiyeh that you are wearing, this is just a statement to show that you really lack the authenticity to represent the case, and what's so-called "the cause," this is a human problem. The cause must die. I think enough is enough, and now it is proven, you are helping Hamas to prove it to the world that Palestine depends on the destruction of the State of Israel, and this is not acceptable, and we are not going to agree to it.
YOUSEF: And I tell you something, for the next 10 or 20 years, the Palestinian people will pay the bill that Hamas has cost today, and most likely today.
It gets better from there, but I want to pause at this point because what Yousef says is so striking. He grew up in the West Bank. His father was a co-founder of Hamas. Yousef has the personal experience to speak on the realities of the situation. Compare that to the activist with an American accent whose thought process doesn't go past whatever talking points she was handed. She has no idea about the history of the region or even about the history of those she claims to be a part of.
She might as well be an actor, which is illustrated by her asking whether "Hamas and Palestinians" are the same. It's such a cliched attempt at a cop-out and one that is easily rebutted with facts. Yousef was ready for the question.
ACTIVIST: Do you think Hamas and Palestinians are the same, there one in the same?
YOUSEF: After October 7th, yes, there is no difference.
YOUSEF: The vast majority of the Palestinian people support Hamas.
YOUSEF: This is a fact, this is proven by statistics, and your (inaudble) now. You can't not even condemn Hamas and say that was they did on October 7th was the act of a savage group. You don't have that power.
ACTIVIST: Sir I condemn the question.
YOUSEF: You only speak on the authority of Hamas propaganda.
ACTIVIST: No, why do you say that? I'm speaking on the authority of Hamas propaganda? What I'm...
YOUSEF: Because if you were a decent humanity, you could say that the thousands killed on October 7th, that was a crime against humanity, it was a genocide (applause)
Yousef is correct when he says that "the vast majority of the Palestinian people support Hamas." As RedState has reported, polling has consistently shown around 75 percent support for Hamas among the residents of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In fact, the most recent survey on the matter showed an increase in support for the October 7th attacks among those in Gaza. That's a reality the activist in the video failed to dispute despite her best efforts.
In summary, there can be no peace until the "cause" of eliminating Israel ceases and those in the West Bank and Gaza take responsibility for their own lives.
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