WATCH: German Police Use 'Pain Grip' on Climate Protesters Blocking Roads, Absolute Hysteria Follows

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

A new controversy has broken out in Europe over the use of the so-called "pain grip" by German police. More specifically, it's a restraint technique being used to remove climate change protesters who are blocking roads and otherwise causing chaos in public.


A recent viral video showed police using the move on a man who was sitting in front of a bus, ignoring orders to get up. As he's carried onto the sidewalk, you can see his right hand being forced down to put pressure on his wrist. The man can be heard screaming as if he's feeling the worst pain ever visited on any human in history.

The cool thing is that you can test this on yourself. Take your left hand and then push your right hand down so that your fingers are pushed further behind your wrist. Go ahead, give it a shot. 

Now, did it feel like you were just blasted with buckshot while being burned alive as these protesters are projecting? Or was it just mildly uncomfortable? I'm not suggesting these climate protesters are faking the level of pain they are exhibiting...wait...that's exactly what I'm suggesting. They are putting on a show for the cameras to present themselves as abused victims.

Here's another example from an incident in Berlin. 


I watched that video a few times, and I'm pretty sure almost nothing was done to the woman's wrist. The crocodile tears and blood-curdling screams flowed nonetheless because these people are actors as much as they are protesters. In fact, a quick search of "pain grip" leads only to claims made by the radical left-wing group "Just Stop Oil," which leads me to assume they made up the phrase as part of their many propaganda campaigns. In reality, the "pain grip" is just a normal technique used to stop someone from resisting.

Regardless, I bring good news to these aggrieved climate hysterics. If they don't want to suffer the supposedly immense torture of the "pain grip," they could simply listen to the police when they are told to get out of the road. It's really that simple. Stop blocking roads. Stop destroying artwork and monuments. Stop punishing people for just trying to live their lives. Then you won't have to worry about the "pain grip."


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