Kayleigh McEnany must be one of the most patient people to ever live. She manages to deal with a room full of screaming children on a near daily basis. No, I’m not talking about her kids. I’m talking about the White House reporters she deals with as part of her job as Press Secretary.
If you haven’t been watching the pressers lately, McEnany has been hammering away at the reality that Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other leftist groups are rioting and committing violence in cities across the country. Of all the cities involved, Portland has perhaps been the worse though. They’ve seen sustained anarchy for over three months now. When McEnany attempted to show video of what was going on some months back, the media absolutely freaked out, cutting their live streams and gnashing their teeth. She also couldn’t bribe the reporters in the room to ask her a question about the violence because that would entail admitting it was occurring.
Well, with the new shift in narrative from Democrats, suddenly reporters want to talk about the unrest in the streets. So did someone ask about a Trump supporter being murdered in cold blood or Kenosha being burned to the ground? Nah, they asked about paintballs being fired. Yes, paintballs.
Disclaimer: All credit goes to Curtis Houck over at Newsbusters for pulling this clip for me. Be sure to follow him on Twitter as his feed is a gold mine for content like this.
ICYMI — @PressSec @KayleighMcEnay smacked down CBS News Radio's Steven Portnoy for not condemning the Portland violence by Antifa and murder by a self-described Antifa member, but instead asking her about Trump supporters supposedly shooting "paintballs" at them. pic.twitter.com/eQ0Zjje8eu
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 31, 2020
Watching McEnany just eviscerate this guy is giving me flashbacks to a famous Jim Mora scene when he was with the Colts.
Except in this newer version, McEnany is left responding to the idiocy of this reporter with “paintballs, your asking me about paintballs?!”
You can hear the frustration in her voice as she continually draws the contrast between over 90 days of obfuscation from the media to them suddenly being interested in someone shooting a paintball at someone. A guy gets murdered on camera and they’ve got no questions about it, or are only commenting in so much as to falsely label him a white supremacist. But let a Trump supporter shoot a paintball at someone and they are on the case. I’ll also note that the paintballs were shot because people were blocking roads, which is illegal last I checked.
This entire episode just belabors belief. Reporters have had all this time to take the rioting seriously. They could have thrown cold water on chaos from the beginning. Instead, they actively encouraged it and made excuses for it. But most of the time, they simply didn’t acknowledge what was happening at all because omission is the greatest tool of bias. In the end, though, all it took was a Trump supporter firing a harmless rubber ball full of paint to get them to finally pay be concerned with political violence. Imagine that.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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