Joe Biden isn’t well. I’ve chronicled some of his recent low-lights which have lead Democrat sources to leak that his condition is worsening (see Dan Bongino: Sources Say Joe Biden Is Reaching the Point of No Return, Democrats Will Have a Decision to Make). Of course, you didn’t need sources to tell you that. You only have to spend a few days paying attention to Biden’s live streams and public appearances to know his mind is slipping. There’s a reason the media are now pushing for him not to debate Donald Trump at all (see Flop Sweat Builds as the Efforts to Stop Joe Biden From Debating Heat Up).
But one thing you can’t blame on what appears to be his early onset dementia is his penchant for lying. One such topic that Biden just can’t stop lying about is being arrested. Over the last decade, he’s lied multiple times about having the cuffs slapped on him. I guess he thinks it makes him seem tough or like a man of the people? Though normal people don’t go around getting arrested as far as I can tell.
Tucker Carlson noticed and decided to do a bit of a roasting of Biden last night intertwined with clips of his fibs on the issue. The result was this bit of news disguised as comedy that we could all use more of.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how hilarious this was. pic.twitter.com/IpbzcXmvm2
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 4, 2020
Tucker’s dry sense of humor really brings it all together as he describes the valiant heroism of Joe Biden circa 2008 describing that time he supposedly got arrested for entering a woman’s dormitory in college. Later in 2012, he would admit he didn’t tell the whole truth. He only “almost got arrested.” The stories only got more crazy as time went on though. In 2016 he described being arrested for sitting in the wrong chair as a fresh-faced Senator.
As you can see Joe Biden has lived quite the life of crime. Well, except none of it is true and he’s never been arrested. You may recall that he also lied about being arrested while trying to see Nelson Mandela. He used that story as some kind of faux racial incident to really show how much woke cred he’s got. If you listen to Joe Biden, he also was integral in the Civil Rights movement. Well, at least when he wasn’t beating up black men named “Corn Pop” at the local pool. Like Forrest Gump, the former VP has had his hand in a little bit of everything according to his telling.
Let’s be honest. If Trump were this brazen in constantly lying about his past, the media would be roasting him non-stop. In fact, when Trump has tried to pump himself up with half-truths, it’s become national news and proof he shouldn’t be President. But old slow Joe gets none of that treatment. He’s allowed to sit in his basement and say whatever he wants. His past lies are glossed over and never discussed. The double standard is real.
Thankfully, we have people like Tucker Carlson to get the information out there and to keep us laughing while doing so.
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