Tim Scott has responded to Nancy Pelosi’s disgusting smear, in which she accused Scott and other Republicans of “getting away with murder…the murder of George Floyd.” He went on Guy Benson’s radio show and lit into the House Majority leader.
Here are the original comments from Pelosi.
UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi accuses Republican senators of "trying to get away with murder, actually, the murder of George Floyd"https://t.co/e8pdwnSUdG pic.twitter.com/tK2dFyy1Px
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 23, 2020
She would go on to double down, saying she would “absolutely not” apologize for the disgusting attack. Scott has apparently heard enough.
🔥LISTEN @SenatorTimScott unloads on Pelosi (full segment posted at https://t.co/YSiTKdgyfS after the show) @GuyBensonShow pic.twitter.com/DkQxieLIJk
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) June 26, 2020
Scott has really shown himself to be a fighter lately and has become a favorite early pick for the 2024 election. Accusing Pelosi of privilege is just perfect. This is a white woman who’s had everything handed to her all her life trying to call a black man fighting a murderer based on nothing but policy disagreements. Earlier today, she showed her care for George Floyd so much that she forgot his name and called him George Kirby in a presser. This is a woman who is unhinged.
It doesn’t get much worse than what Pelosi said, and she has largely gotten away with it because the press refuse to press her on it. Chuck Schumer has also defended her words. Pelosi’s only defense has been to suck on a lemon and proclaim she was really talking about Mitch McConnell. Well, McConnell didn’t lead the bill, Scott did, and she accused all Senate Republicans, so that doesn’t wash.
I’m old enough to remember when the media fixated for weeks on Trump calling Joe Scarborough a murderer? I mean, sure that was dumb, but what Pelosi did here is much worse. Scott did not provoke her, nor did he do anything but try to get a vote on his bill. For that, he gets called a murderer.
The sooner Pelosi leaves the national stage, the better off this country will be.
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