Earlier today, the judge in the Michael Flynn case continued to show his gross bias by offering to turn his court into a political circus on behalf of the left. Despite the DOJ recommending the charges be dropped and the guilty plea vacated following explosive revelations of FBI misconduct, Judge Sullivan is choosing to try to continue his crusade.
Judge Emmet G. Sullivan just signaled he’s not interested in the law, due process, equal rights, or justice. He already called Flynn a traitor in open court, and now he’s going to invite left-wing lawyers write his final order against Flynn for him. https://t.co/UFO7ZEn74u
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 12, 2020
Here’s a preview of what Sullivan is openly soliciting.
Watergate Prosecutors member Jill Wine-Banks:
Peddling Trump/Russia criminal conspiracy lies. pic.twitter.com/WQCjJv2fmR
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 13, 2020
Now, Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, has responded with a blistering rebuke of the move.
Of note is Judge Sullivan's prior denial of amicus briefing:
"Options exist for a private citizen to express his views about matters of public interest, but the Court's docket is not an available option."
Read the full motion here:https://t.co/s8zJvgM6NJ pic.twitter.com/RkmRPkYCOd
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 13, 2020
In other words, Sullivan is going against his own past ruling in order to allow some deranged partisans at the Democracy Project, as well as others, to muddy the waters with politically motivated pablum. What possible reason would Sullivan need to actually seek opinions from these people other than him just being a biased hack of a judge?
He was against amicus briefs being filed when they were supportive of Flynn, but now he’s begging left wingers to give their opinions as “friends of the court?” It’s unbelievable, but not out of character for Sullivan. Remember, this is the same guy who called Flynn a traitor in open court, a statement he later had to walk back. Since the beginning, he’s shown himself to be an unhinged political actor, falling into rants and managing to ignore even the most stark evidence of DOJ malfeasance in the case.
Whether Sullivan would actually go so far as to sentence Flynn anyway is an open question. But he’s definitely going out of his way to invite liberal counter narratives, something that’s completely inappropriate in this setting.
In the end, Flynn is going free. If Sullivan continues to play games, Trump will simply pardon his former NSA. It shouldn’t be allowed to get to that point though and Sullivan has a chance to stop this idiocy before it beings. We’ll see how he responds.
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