Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has spent most of the last few months playing fascist in her state of Michigan with draconian, illogical lockdowns. These include prohibitions of travel between one’s own properties, because the virus will apparently jump from car to car or something. For that, she’s received praise from the media and scorn from many of her constituents.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is roiled in a sexual assault scandal that all of his allies are desperately trying to make go away. One of those allies is Whitmer, who hopes to be chosen as VP for the Biden ticket.
In pursuit of that goal, Whitmer went on Jake Tapper’s show today and was asked about Tara Reade’s allegation against Joe Biden. Her answer devolved into nonsensical, hypocritical tripe, which has become standard fare for most Democrats trying to respond to this because their previous reactions to the Kavanaugh ordeal have boxed them in.
I believe Dr. Ford
— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) September 27, 2018
They are trying desperately to square the circle, but just can’t.
"Not every claim [of sexual assault] is equal."@GovWhitmer says "there’s not a pattern…and I think for these reasons, I’m very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is." pic.twitter.com/L7nZpA6JHX
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 3, 2020
No pattern? What planet is Whitmer living on? Biden has been accused by dozens of women of inappropriate touching and making them feel uncomfortable. We’ve got the guy on tape sniffing underage girls and trying to kiss them in public. Reade’s allegation may be an escalation from past claims, but there’s most certainly a pattern of Biden misbehaving toward women. Tapper, being the intrepid journalist that he is, doesn’t push Whitmer on that point, of course.
Far more women have come forward and credibly said that Biden has touched them inappropriately or made them feel uncomfortable.
It’s obvious that they just aren’t willing to apply the same standard to anyone they like or agree with politically that they applied to BK.
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) May 3, 2020
Meanwhile, what exactly makes Reade’s claim less “equal” than Blasey Ford’s? Whitmer doesn’t give a good answer and reality certainly doesn’t show her framing to be truthful. Reade’s claim is backed up by far more evidence than the claims against Kavanaugh, yet Whitmer and almost ever other “feminist Democrat” pronounced him guilty and tried to destroy his life at the time.
You know, in a way watching Whitmer twist herself into knots is sad. You are seeing someone so thirsty for power that they’ll literally say anything in their attempts to gain it. She wants to get the VP nod, so she’ll violate and rewrite all of her supposed principles surrounding sexual assault, even as she herself is a survivor of such.
In the end, Whitmer is unlikely to be chosen by Biden, but she’s willing to burn down everything she claims to stand for just for the chance. Desperation is rarely attractive in a politician.
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