There’s been plenty of back and forth between Donald Trump and the state of Maine over the divisive men in women’s sports issue, with tensions boiling over at a February dinner for governors where Democrat Gov. Janet Mills and Donald Trump had a harsh exchange. As RedState’s Sister Toldjah reported, the president said, “Is Maine here? The governor of Maine?" before locating Mills seated nearby at a table in the White House State Dining Room. "Are you not going to comply with it [his women in sports executive order]?"
Mills replied, "I'm going to comply with state and federal law." It went downhill from there, with Mills threatening, “We'll see you in court.”
Soon after, the Department of Agriculture pulled tens of millions of dollars from the University of Maine for refusing to obey his EO to ensure that no biological men suit up against women in sports. The university system soon caved, and the administration restored the funding.
Round one to Trump.
The president isn’t simply satisfied with winning, however; he wants the governor to apologize for her behavior. He posted to Truth Social early Saturday morning:
Here is the post in full:
While the State of Maine has apologized for their Governor’s strong, but totally incorrect, statement about men playing in women’s sports while at the White House House Governor’s Conference, we have not heard from the Governor herself, and she is the one that matters in such cases. Therefore, we need a full throated apology from the Governor herself, and a statement that she will never make such an unlawful challenge to the Federal Government again, before this case can be settled. I’m sure she will be able to do that quite easily. Thank you for your attention to this matter and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! DJT
Read Related: Trump Admin Finds UMaine in Compliance on Title IX Transgender Policy, but That's Not the End of Story
Finding Out: Trump Admin Yanks Funding to Blue-State University That Allows Men in Women's Sports
Mills found out—like the University of Pennsylvania, who got $175 million in funding yanked—that President Trump isn’t playing games. Although it was the University of Maine that backed down, and not the governor herself, she should indeed apologize, not just for her poor behavior but for supporting such a lunatic policy in the first place. Polls show that 80 percent of Americans don’t believe athletes born as males should be competing against women and girls. It’s unfair, it’s unsafe, and it’s wrong.
Trump is doing the right thing by trying to put an end to this bizarre practice, and Janet Mills is clearly in the wrong. We’ll see if she does issue an apology; my bet is on “no way.” Progressives don’t apologize; they just look for other ways to achieve their goals.
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