New York Times Goes Full Monty With Trump Hysteria, Throws All Pretenses of Journalism Out the Window

AP Photo/Julia Demaree Nikhinson

There’s an old aphorism among leftists: if you’re not winning the argument, say it louder. If you’re getting killed in a factual debate, toss the logic and get emotional. Get angry. Throw anything you got, it doesn’t matter if it’s true, just keep screaming.


Actually, I don’t know if that’s an old aphorism—I just made it up—but I see it time and time again, whether I’m arguing with a low-IQ progressive or reading what passes as the mainstream media these days.

Although the New York Times has long lost its reputation as the paper of record—to all but the most fawning of the leftist cult, it is the paper of recording your new puppy’s movements—but they’re getting so unhinged, so frothing as of late, that someone actually approved this mockery of a printing:

If you’re stupid enough to pay for a subscription (some of us poor sods have to, unfortunately), you will find that the editorial page has a deeply ominous black background. I’m assuming they didn’t do that for the print version because the ink costs would have been off the charts.

Is this journalism, or as they used to call it, “yellow journalism?” Straight-up up fear-mongering, violence-inciting propaganda from what was formerly known as “the paper of record.”

Now before you think this is just some random columnist spouting this venom, be aware that it was the Editorial Board who printed this manifesto:

Donald Trump has described at length the dangerous and disturbing actions he says he will take if he wins the presidency.

His rallies offer a steady stream of such promises and threats — things like prosecuting political opponents and using the military against U.S. citizens. These statements are so outrageous and outlandish, so openly in conflict with the norms and values of American democracy that many find them hard to regard as anything but empty bluster.

We have two words for American voters: Believe him.


No, we believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who have been “prosecuting political opponents” since the day they took office. But where has the Times been on those stories? Blissfully ignoring the wholesale weaponization of our Department of Justice while sipping cocktails at the Met Gala.

Some of the arguments they make border on parody:

The promises Mr. Trump made during his first presidential campaign, in 2016, turned out to be a pretty good road map of the policies and priorities he pursued as president. 

Yes, New York Times editorial board, the policies he promised and then pursued as president were pretty good indeed. We had a roaring economy, no new foreign wars, almost zero inflation, and a secure border. Wait, I can’t hear you?

Just keep inciting violence and hatred, Grey Lady:

Today he says he is ready to deploy the military against his political opponents. He says that he will instruct the Justice Department to prosecute critics. He says that he will mobilize the National Guard to deport immigrants, that he is ready to blow Iranian cities to smithereens, that he will allow vigilante violence as a solution to crime in America.

Americans should believe him.

Were we at war with Iran when he was president, was Hamas savagely murdering Israeli citizens? No. Was crime off the charts, to the point where citizens were scared to walk the streets of NY or visit their local CVS? Was the DOJ prosecuting those who criticized him? Oops, that’s your president, Times—Joe Biden—who you told us was fit as a fiddle while you lied about his obvious mental decline. 


Sadly, shame does not appear to be in your vocabulary, but you should be wallowing in pig offal. 

I’m guessing that few readers here at RedState are ardent NY Times readers, and you're wondering, who the hell cares what they have to say? But I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it often—we must keep pointing out the corrupt, Marxist media because even though you don’t read it, that doesn’t mean that a whole lot of other people don't. They do. Trust me, I know them…I live in Los Angeles and come from New York.

By continuing to call them out on their lies, their propaganda, and their incitements to hatred and violence, we’re making a difference.

Just look at the polls.

It's up to all of us to make sure that the poll that matters—the one on November 5—is one for the ages.


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