VIRAL VIDEO: Italian PM Giorgia Meloni Hits Emmanuel Macron With Death Glare for the Ages at G7 Summit

AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

Mon dieu, if stares could kill... then French President Emmanuel Macron would be dead right now, courtesy of a death glare from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the G7 summit in Italy.


As we reported, President Joe Biden also attended the confab and promptly made a fool of himself in front of world leaders. Several times Meloni had to lead him back to the group after he’d wandered off.

More Disturbing Reports From G7 About Biden 'Losing Focus'

Biden Meets With Pope Francis at G7, Has Bizarre Moment Everyone Is Talking About

But it’s Meloni’s glare that lit up the internet this weekend as she tried to drill holes in Macron’s head with her eyes.

The video clip from Friday shows Macron going down a line, shaking the hands of Italian President Sergio Mattarella and his daughter, first lady of Italy Laura Mattarella, before arriving at Meloni. 

As Macron makes his way down the line, Meloni can be seen giving a frosty "death stare" at Macron. When the French leader arrives, she appears to force a smile as the two shake hands. 

To me, it also looks like she makes the “nauseated” face as Macron turns and continues on down the line. 

Must watch:


Any married man has seen that look from his bride on an occasion or two, and it chills them to the bone. Hell hath no fury and all that. 

Macron has experienced rough sledding in recent days:

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But why the harsh feelings between Macron and Meloni? It turns out they had differences earlier in the conference about abortion in the G-7 statement—Meloni thought it should focus more on life than terminating pregnancies. She became Italy’s first female president in 2022 by campaigning on “God, fatherland, and family" and has made a point of encouraging women to have babies to reverse Italy’s demographic crisis. 

The exchange came after the two leaders clashed over the use of the word "abortion" in the G-7 statement. Meloni’s government had sought to water down references to abortion in the final statement issued by all the G-7 nations at the end of the summit. 

The final statement, released Friday, omits the word "abortion" but does reference the need to promote "reproductive health and rights." 

Macron said that he regretted the decision, telling an Italian reporter on Thursday, "It’s not a vision that’s shared across all the political spectrum."


Meloni’s death stare has received a lot of attention, with multiple posts similar to this one:

It appears other world leaders have been subject to similar Meloni expressions before:

One thing I can say for sure: I will not cross this woman should our paths ever intersect. We’re left then with one question: can a death stare be heard? Because if so, this will be known as the Death Stare Heard 'Round the World.


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