
Performing Sex Changes on Kids Has Become Big Business As US Hospitals Rake in Piles of Money

AP Photo/Armando Franca

One of the many issues facing Americans this election cycle is the high cost of healthcare. No one wants socialized medicine in the form of "Kamalacare," but most people are likely open to suggestions about how American healthcare can be made more affordable. However, an insidious sub-industry in healthcare is feeding the beast at the expense of America's children, and that industry will grow if Kamala Harris is elected. 

The numbers associated with it are alarming.

Do No Harm is a group formed in 2022 and is made up of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals whose mission is to protect healthcare from leftist political ideology. The group has recently compiled information for a new database to monitor sex-change procedures on minors between 2019 and 2023. The numbers confirm what we already suspected: the beginning stages of a ghoulish and dangerous industry. 

In those five years, U.S. hospitals made roughly $120 million on sex-change-related procedures performed on around 14,000 children. Some of those procedures included 13,994 sex-change-related treatments, a staggering 62,682 hormone and puberty blocker prescriptions written for roughly 8,879 pediatric patients, and last but not least, 5,747 actual sex-change surgeries performed on minor children.

One of the most alarming aspects of these numbers is the fact that they do not tell the whole story. While the data is taken from all 50 states based on insurance claims in those states, it does not reflect self-payments, charity payments, Veterans Affairs claims, or anyone covered under Kaiser Health plans. 

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb is the Chairman of Do No Harm. He stated that the data should make a few things clear. One is that these incidents of sex-change-related procedures, including surgery on children, are not as rare as advocates would have everyone believe. The other, while these procedures are going on nationwide, there is a list of hospitals that Do No Harm calls the "dirty dozen." These are the hospitals that have been the most outspoken in promoting sex-change procedures on children. They include the appropriately named Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, or "CHOP," Seattle Children's Hospital, which logged 285 sex-change patients in the 2019 to 2023 time frame, and Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, which performed 265 sex-change "interventions," of which 165 were surgeries, and billed patients to the tune of around $1.75 million for those services.

It seems four states are leading the way for this "industry," and except for Ohio, the list reads like the usual leftist suspects: California, New York, and Washington. In California alone, 2,024 kids underwent sex-change procedures, including 1,359 who had surgeries for a grand total of $28.9 million billed. But left-wing states are not the only ones where these procedures are taking place. Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, reported 33 sex-change procedures, including 22 surgeries, and St. Louis Children's Hospital reported 49 sex-change procedures.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia appears to be one of the most egregious offenders. Kids as young as eight were given puberty blockers, and kids as young as 14 got mastectomies. But "CHOP" also did not wait for patients to walk through their doors. Between 2019 and 2021, representatives from the Gender and Sexuality Program at the hospital were training officials from two nearby school districts, instructing them on how to aid a kindergartner in changing genders. To be clear, these monsters were telling a five-year-old to change their gender. 

If this is going on now, what will happen if Kamala Harris is elected president? The answer is that it will be an exploding industry. Harris's running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, has already made his state a "sanctuary state" for sex-change procedures for minors. We could fully expect a push by Kamala Harris for that to go nationwide with virtually no restrictions. The only people who would have restrictions regarding sex-change procedures for children would be parents who don't support this. 

Chloe Cole is a Senior Fellow, Patient Advocate, and, more importantly, a detransitioner herself. She is touting Do No Harm's new database as a way to fight back against media lies and those who are advocating this sick attack on children. She stated:

“This new project from Do No Harm proves the lies from the medical establishment and radical politicians who argue that cases like mine are rare. The stats in this database represent thousands of kids who are being treated like Guinea pigs for unproven, and sometimes dangerous, medical experiments. I hope politicians and parents alike use this database to see where these treatments are happening and protect their children from being rushed into irreversible, life-altering treatments.”

If you aren't convinced that elections have consequences, the possible expansion of this horrific industry should do it.


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