
Minnesota Settlement Shows Just How Radical Tim Walz Is on Gender Ideology

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

A recent report revealed just how adamant Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) has been about reinforcing progressive gender ideology.

A New York Post report revealed that Walz’s administration funneled almost $499,000 in taxpayer funds to a left-wing nonprofit organization to assist in a legal case that resulted in the transfer of a trans-identified male inmate to a women’s prison.

The payment appears to be part of a “sue-and-settlement” scheme, according to a New York Post exclusive.

In 2023, the Democratic vice presidential nominee’s office shelled out $448,904 to Saint Paul-based Gender Justice, one year after the nonprofit filed a sex discrimination complaint against Minnesota’s Department of Corrections (DOC), according to a review of public records shared with The Post by the taxpayer watchdog group

The complaint argued that the DOC was discriminating by housing the transgender inmate, Christina Lusk, in a men’s prison and denying access to sex-reassignment procedures including a vaginoplasty.

Lusk had received hormone therapy and pursued genital reconstructive surgery before being arrested in December 2018 and charged with meth possession, receiving a five-year prison sentence.

At the time, Lusk was already on conditional release following a 2012 DWI offense.

The complaint resulted in the state paying almost half a million dollars to cover legal fees and compensation for Lusk. The inmate was later transported to a woman’s facility in Shakopee and will receive full reimbursement for the procedures even after he serves out his sentence, according to the settlement.

Minnesota’s Department of Corrections (DOC) policies regarding trans-identified inmates have evolved over time to accommodate these individuals. Trans-identified folks can request placement in facilities that match their chosen gender identity rather than their birth sex as a result of the lawsuit.

Minnesota’s policy has met with criticism from many who believe it could place female inmates in jeopardy. During an interview with Alpha News, Alicia Beckmann, a former correctional officer at the facility, expressed concerns about the practical implications of housing trans-identified inmates with female prisoners. She said the policy has “created an unsafe environment” and that Shakopee was previously “a very gender responsive facility.”

“We are taught that women are biologically different from men. We have curriculum specific for women, so the environment has shifted drastically. I know that a lot of the incarcerated women do not feel comfortable in their living unit, they don’t feel comfortable walking about the property, they were uncomfortable in my classroom,” she explained.

Beckmann also highlighted that several of the male inmates were convicted of violent crimes, including murder and child abuse.

“Bradley Servio, he’s a convicted murderer. Sean Windingland and Elijah Berryman, who sexually abuse children. They’re all around women now,” she stated.

The case of Christina Lusk and Minnesota’s transgender policies are further evidence of Gov. Walz’s radical stance on the advancement of gender ideology – even when it endangers the safety of women. Progressives have been forcing this ideology in sports, education, and other areas of society.

This further illustrates that Walz and his ilk are woefully out of touch with the views of everyday Americans, most of whom understand basic biology. However, it also shows how progressives have used the gender debate to support their own grifts, using lawfare to earn money while weaponizing the state against biological females, all in the name of “inclusivity.”

This is a terrifying situation for women in blue states that are firmly on board with allowing men to occupy women’s spaces regardless of what the women think. What is even more scary is the possibility that Walz and Vice President Kamala Harris might be able to pursue this agenda from the Oval Office.


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