
The Question You May Be Asked at Your Next Doctor Visit: Are You Registered To Vote?

Michael Cleary/Mayo Clinic via AP

The Democrats are so desperate to keep Donald Trump from returning to the White House that they are willing to do just about anything. Ethics are virtually nonexistent for them. The effort to keep Trump from a return to the presidency began early on. However, a little-known get-out-the-vote scheme targets some of the most vulnerable members of society, and many may not know what is happening. The perpetrators claim it is all in the name of "therapy," and conveniently, it is taking place in a crucial swing state. If you think journalism is full of activists, meet healthcare.

The Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute is an 89-bed facility associated with Pennsylvania State University. The patients suffer from a variety of illnesses such as schizophrenia, substance abuse, depression, or bipolar disorder. Some might even be suicidal, aggressive in some way, or a danger to themselves or others. In many cases, the patients are there involuntarily, or they do not have the mental capacity to make decisions that voting requires. But for Democrats and their healthcare activist buddies, none of those should be a reason for not being registered to vote. 

In 2020 (imagine that), the institute began asking patients, regardless of their diagnosis, if they would be interested in "voter registration tools." This enabled them to find the nearest polling station and online voter registration. Another service hospital staff provides is "assistance" with mail-in voting. Julie Graziane is a geriatric psychiatrist who says that voting is a "therapeutic tool" and "helps empower patients and makes them feel good." She added, "Voting is an important part of the recovery process." 

So, what or who is behind voter registration for those who might not have the mental capacity for it? A group called Vot-ER. The group was founded by an emergency room physician at Harvard Medical School named Alister Martin. Martin also served as an advisor to, surprise, Vice President Kamala Harris. The group has signed up nearly 50,000 doctors to help in the voter registration effort. Vot-ER says they are nonpartisan, but they are staffed by progressive operatives and are funded by Democrat-affiliated dark money groups. It all falls under an umbrella non-profit group called A Healthier Democracy, which has called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) "the bedrock of fair healthcare."

An executive order signed in 2021 by Joe Biden declared "access to voting" a duty of federal agencies, and Vot-ER has been instrumental in advising the administration on how to implement details of the executive order. But the twisted part is that no place is sacred when it comes to Democrats and progressives targeting voters for their agenda. Cancer hospitals, emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, and even neonatal intensive care units are all fertile ground for Democrats to mine for voters. Vot-ER is making sure no Democrat voting bloc is left unturned. Applicants for the group's resources are asked things like whether the majority of patients are 24 years old or younger, black/African American, or LGBTQIA+.

Here's the text of a tweet from one activist; she limits who can view it, but this is what she posted:

Today I talked to every family I saw in the newborn nursery about voting because their health and the health of their newborn depended on it. Let’s use every opportunity to #getoutthevote for our kids! @Vot_ER_org

— Lisa Patel, MD, MESc (@LisaPatelMD) April 20, 2024

Even more twisted are all of the governing associations of the various disciplines. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Nurses Association, and Association of American Medical Colleges are all on board with the notion that voter registration is just another part of healthcare. Fortunately, however, there is one sane voice. Sally Satel is a lecturer in psychiatry at Yale Medical School and said bluntly, "I can’t even begin to tell you how inappropriate this is. It’s such a contamination of a physician’s role."

But inappropriateness is not stopping these fanatics. One of the worst offenders is Lisa Patel. She is a pediatric hospitalist at Stanford University and head of the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health -- a red flag right there -- tweeted out in April that she had spoken to "every family I saw in the newborn nursery about voting because their health and the health of their newborn depended on it." These are the people administering your healthcare.

Alister Martin is unapologetic about any of his group's activities. In a 2020 interview with  the New York Times, Martin stated, “The time for us being impartial and apolitical and standing on the sideline is over." 

The next time you go to see your doctor, your visit just might include more than questions about your actual health. 


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