Listeners to Hip-Hop Radio Show Are 'Hip' to Failed Democrat and Kamala Harris Agenda, Support Trump

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." The Democrats appear to have interpreted the latter part of that quote as a challenge. They are in a panic as some of their most traditional voting blocs are finally realizing that they have been sold a bill of goods for a long time by Democrats. And more of the people who have comprised one of those loyal groups of voters, black Americans, are calling out Democrats on their dishonesty.


On Tuesday, listeners to a popular Hip-Hop radio show, "The Breakfast Club," called in and criticized the Democrat Party and the presumptive Democrat nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris, whose policies are "destroying" black Americans and black communities. As the Democrat Party tries to drum up support for Harris, caller after caller chimed in to say they believed the policies of Democrats and Joe Biden have harmed black Americans, and that Kamala Harris will just be more of the same.

It is just a guess, but maybe the "The Breakfast Club" crew did not get the answers they had expected. A caller named Iris got things going.

“Okay, so first let me say I’m so happy to see a woman running for president and I’m grateful for that. However, I was on the fence even with Biden running again because everyone talks about, ‘Oh, let’s get the black vote, let’s get the black vote.’ And they get the black vote and nothing changes. When I say nothing, I mean our education system. Our children are suffering in New York City public schools. And let’s talk about services. My brother is a paraplegic; he got hit by a drunk driver. Very hard for him to get services. And I understand that they allow the migrants to come in, but they come in and they just overwhelm them with services, and they forget about the people that are already here. So what’s going to change with that? What are they going to do with the black agenda to help our children that are struggling in New York City public schools? They’re not even on the same level as other kids in other countries, and that’s what my concern is. So is something going to change because Kamala is running instead of Biden? Like help me out, we’re confused here.”


Another caller named Cali said a few things that some Americans might disagree with, but he also may have said what a lot of other black Americans are feeling.

“I don’t think America is ready for a female president. You know what, I’m a black man and I absolutely do not want another Democratic president in there. I think we should give the Republicans another try. There’s a lot of agendas that the Democratic Party has kind of put into place that I don’t support. I think they’re destroying the black man, they’re destroying the black family, I think they’re ruining our country. If you’re living in New York like I am, man, this place is a financial nightmare, not to mention crime. I think if we put Trump back in there, man, it’s going to be amazing. Kamala cannot do what he’s going to do to bring this country back to where it needs to be. And this is not a race thing because that’s the number one thing they like to say when they talk about Trump and how he’s a criminal and blah blah blah blah blah. I don’t think any of that matters. His policy is what we need to focus on and he’s going to get us back where we need to go. Kamala is not ready.”


Democrats are surely convinced that Kamala Harris will help them regain a large chunk of the black vote they have lost to Donald Trump. But that might not be the case. Recent polling shows that Trump has anywhere from four to 23 percent support among black voters. Black Americans are also living with high food and gas prices, high housing costs, and soaring crime rates. Combine that with the feeling that Democrats have taken black Americans' votes for granted and they have not gotten a whole lot in return for their nearly a century of loyalty. It is a recipe for disaster for Democrats that making Kamala Harris their nominee is not going to fix. Note to the Democrat Party: Black Americans are waking up. Your time is about up.


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