
Note to Republicans: Stop Saying 'Red Wave'!

Townhall Media

The 2024 election cycle is shaping up to be something we have never seen before. The Democrat Party and the media have worked overtime to destroy their chief political rival, but a funny thing is happening on the way to November. Choose the words you like — divine intervention, karma, or something else — but Democrats may be experiencing their own demise. Republicans are enjoying a bit of schadenfreude, but could we be taking that victory lap just a bit too early? The current plight of the Democrats is causing Republicans to resurrect an old saying that until November 6, we have no business saying out loud.

That highly overused phrase: "red wave." Granted, it is a tempting thought that the chaos that is the present Democrat Party could mean Republicans keeping the House, gaining control of the Senate, and the reelection of Donald Trump. But let's take a brief trip down memory lane, back to the 2022 midterm elections. How did throwing the phrase "red wave" around work out for Republicans?

In June of 2022, inflation hit nine percent, the highest in 40 years. Illegal immigrants were pouring over the southern border at a record pace — roughly 2.4 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border that year. Even though FBI statistics showed that overall crime was down in the U.S., the perception of most Americans was that crime was on the increase. Joe Biden now had a record to run on and it wasn't pretty. With all that, how could a red wave not happen? Republicans were brimming with confidence.

But the red wave the GOP was so sure of never materialized. Among the reasons it did not, the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June of 2022 was a great energizer for the Democrat base, and as should have been expected, they took it and ran with it. Add to that a few less-than-stellar GOP candidates in the mix. In Pennsylvania, TV doctor Mehmet Oz lost a crucial Senate seat to John Fetterman, a man who'd had a stroke in May of 2022 and was still recovering. In Georgia, Herschel Walker had a past and did not come off as being knowledgeable about various policy matters. 

So, here we are. Democrats and the media have been well aware of Joe Biden's cognitive decline literally for years, and have covered it up as long as they could. After Biden's debate performance, Democrats are now very divided, some want Joe off the ticket, some are sticking with him. Major Democrat donors, as well as major Hollywood liberals, are dropping Joe Biden like a bad habit, and the money is slowly drying up. It may be premature, but we could be witnessing the implosion of the Democrat Party as we have known it.

Here is where Republicans had better quit the phrase "red wave," also like a bad habit, and be mindful of a few things. Democrat implosion means that they are like caged animals. They are desperate, angry, and unpredictable. We also must remember Democrats' love of the "October surprise," think George W. Bush's DUI arrest in 2000, the weekend before the election, and even more recently, Donald Trump and the infamous "Access Hollywood" video in October of 2016.

Because of revamped election laws in many states, the level of fraud that might have occurred in 2020 might be out for Democrats in 2024. But to invoke another often-used phrase, desperate people do desperate things. If Republicans underestimate Democrats, even in the shape they are in, we do so at our own peril. Let's not talk about red waves until there actually is one.  


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