
When Will the Mainstream Media Be Treated Like the Defective Product That It Is?

Townhall Media

When I was a kid, my dad, being a car guy, bought a used MGB. It looked like a standard British roadster. It sat low to the ground and was a convertible. It was fun to ride in, and I'm sure it was fun to drive...when it was running. The number of times my mom had to go pick him up from somewhere because it had broken down again just became too great, and he had to unload it for the lemon that it was. We have all done it. We have bought or used a product or service that looked good, but we got it home or used it for the first time, and whammo — lemon city. We haven't bought or used that product again. There is another defective product out there that people need to realize might have been good at one time, but it, too, has soured into yet another lemon. That lemon is the mainstream media.

The defective nature of the media is not new. During WWII, the New York Times either buried or just did not report on the atrocities being inflicted on European Jews at the hands of the Nazis. The media, in large part, framed public opinion of the Vietnam War. Those events may have been twenty years apart, but how much of the news of the day the media reported on was either downplayed, not reported on, or was not really news but commentary disguised as news, and at the time, no one knew to look for it because they trusted the media to tell them the truth. In the days of Walter Cronkite, the encroaching, defective nature of the media was not yet visible. Today, however, there is no denying that it is one of the most defective products around. 

The American people are being forced to deal with this shoddy, flawed product day after day. It might have begun to ramp up in the era of Hillary Clinton's "vast right-wing conspiracy" declaration, but in the era of Donald Trump, it is on full display for all the world to see. Let's start a few years back. During the 2020 George Floyd riots, the media claimed that President Donald Trump had Lafayette Park in Washington D.C. cleared of protesters with pepper pellets and flash bangs for a photo-op where he held up a Bible. But the real reason was that Park Police were unaware of Trump's visit to the park and had begun clearing the protesters so that a contractor could begin installing new fencing. 

More recently, the media is babbling about Trump jailing his political opponents if he is reelected. Besides recently telling Fox News that "My revenge will be my success," he also said to Fox News' Sean Hannity that going after political opponents would be "wrong," and that "it has to stop." Trump is actually telling the media they are wrong in their reporting of what his intentions are. But then there is the massive amount of self-unawareness. If everything you have done is fair, right, and true, and you have done nothing wrong, why would you have the least interest in whether Trump plans on seeking revenge? 

But the one instance that should convince every American consumer of news that the media is a thoroughly faulty product is the recent revelation during Hunter Biden's gun trial in Delaware that his infamous laptop, bearing all the Biden family secrets, the one the media and their cohorts tried to tell us was nothing but Russian disinformation, is, in fact, the real thing. As far back as 2020, during a "60 Minutes" interview, Lesley Stahl wouldn't let Trump discuss the laptop and just repeated the party line of how it could not be verified. The staggering lengths the government and its propaganda arm, the media, went to in order to cover up the contents of the laptop is definitive proof that the media is something no one who is interested in a properly functioning news product should go near. It is clearly inadequate for our needs.

With the advent of the Internet, podcasts, and other technology, there is no reason why Americans should not be able to find a news product that is not constantly on the blink—one that works efficiently and truthfully. It is just common sense: When something doesn't work right, you get a new one. 


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