CNN Host Tries to Play 'Will You Accept the Results' Game With Lara Trump, Real Question Is - Will Dems?

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

A good rule of thumb to remember when dealing with Democrats, the left, and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, is that they will accuse you of doing the very same thing they are doing or will do. Democrats are panicking. They see the shell that is Joe Biden, and they see Donald Trump's poll numbers going up, even after his conviction Thursday in a Manhattan courtroom for falsifying business records. Even after all of that, they know there is a good chance Trump will win. Now the media's latest ploy is asking Republicans if they will accept the results of the 2024 presidential election. But maybe the real question is, will they? 


Co-chair of the Republican National Committee and Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump was the latest candidate for this new ridiculous media game. She appeared with CNN guest host Kasie Hunt on Sunday on "State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash." Hunt decided she would give it the old college try and asked Lara Trump if she would accept the outcome of the election. Trump responded:

Of course, if this is a free, fair, and transparent election, absolutely. Actually we‘re doing everything we can from the RNC to ensure that indeed that happens. We are working overtime to make sure that every American Republican, Democrat, and independent feels good about our electoral process because, Kasie, we can‘t repeat an election like we had in 2020 where you had half the country with huge sweeping questions about what happened that never got answered. That‘s not who we are as a country, we need transparency.

Not getting the answer she wanted, Hunt tried again. “If Joe Biden wins, will you —” Lara Trump gave a second similar response but then asked the question we should all be asking of the media and Democrats. 


If it is a free and fair election, absolutely, but will you guys? If Donald Trump wins, will you accept those results? Because that‘s the real question. Everybody has said, will we accept them? Of course, we will, but we want a free election and —

Kasie Hunt then made sure she got the approved mainstream media narrative about the 2020 election in before Lara Trump could actually utter any facts by heading her off, saying, “Well there was zero evidence of widespread fraud that could have changed the ultimate outcome in 2020." Trump then refuted Hunt's claim:

Absolutely not, most of those lawsuits were swept away on clerical errors. And actually, if you look at people who were told that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a fake story, enough of them would have voted against Joe Biden and for Donald Trump, that it solely would’ve swung the election in and of itself. So that alone is enough. But then people really wanted to know, well what happened across the country? We never got those answers. I can tell you, yes. We will accept the results of this election if we feel that it is free, fair, and transparent, and we are working overtime to ensure that indeed that happens.


Unfortunately for Kasie Hunt, Lara Trump is spot on. Several polls showed that, had voters known at the time of the 2020 election about Hunter Biden's infamous laptop and its contents, enough of them would have changed their votes to possibly affect the outcome of the election. The media knew that. Lara Trump is not the only Republican to have that loaded question asked of them recently. On May 19, during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was asked if he would accept the outcome, "no matter who wins." Rubio's response was not only, "No, not if it's an unfair election," but he gave host Kristen Welker a history lesson as well. He added, “I think you’re asking the wrong person. The Democrats are the ones that have opposed every Republican victory since 2000. Every single one." 

Sen. Rubio is also right. Democrats have fought to certify every Republican presidential win since 2000. So, the media's new favorite pastime of asking Republicans if they will accept the results of the 2024 election should make you wonder, what do they know? What could possibly happen that would make Republicans question the results of another election? Desperation, obsession with power, tossing Donald Trump in prison, you fill in the blank.



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