The Democrats and their media allies are pulling out all the stops to help former vice president Joe Biden win the White House in November. And recent coverage of President Trump hints at one way they’ll try to accomplish that goal.
On Friday night, the president made one of several campaign stops after both parties’ conventions were over, speaking to a crowd in an airport hangar in Londonderry, New Hampshire.
Here was the first media reaction I read about the event, from NPR Senior Political Editor And Correspondent Domenico Montenaro. Remember that NPR, supported in part by your tax dollars, is allegedly non-partisan.
He wrote:
Trump said he wants a woman to be president but criticized Harris as “not competent,” a typical racist and sexist trope against Black women. “They’re saying, ‘We want Ivanka.’”
Trump said he wants a woman to be president but criticized Harris as “not competent,” a typical racist and sexist trope against Black women.
“They’re saying, ‘We want Ivanka.’”
— Domenico Montanaro (@DomenicoNPR) August 28, 2020
But it wasn’t hard to, pretty quickly, find a real-time transcript of what Trump said.
Trump hits Kamala Harris, telling supporters, "I want to see the first woman president also, but I don’t want to see a woman president get in to that position the way she’d do it, and she’s not competent, she’s not competent." Suggests Ivanka Trump would be a better candidate. pic.twitter.com/FWqmRnb4fq
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) August 29, 2020
Conservatives on Twitter quickly picked up on the revival of the tactic the Left tried (unsuccessfully) with Hillary Clinton and (successfully) with Barack Obama.
Disagreeing with Obama's tax policy was racist. Disagreeing with Hillary's was misogynist. https://t.co/pqU6vNWDEW
— jon gabriel (@exjon) August 29, 2020
As a conservative woman, I realize I’m not as easy to harangue by leftists as a white male would be on this topic. And I think there are three reasons the “criticizing Kamala is sexist and racist” won’t work this time.
The first reason is pretty obvious, if you watched the Republican convention last week and the DNC the week before it. Previously, our presidential candidates were cosseted and advised by milquetoast members of the consultant class, who knew they would move on to the next job whether the boss won or not. These types of people inevitably ran weak campaigns and chose weak candidates who were more than happy to lie down when confronted with the Left’s bullying tactics. That doesn’t work with Pres. Trump or the people he surrounds himself with.
Meanwhile, the DNC featured a keynote speech by former First Lady Michelle Obama, who told listeners Thursday, on an episode of her new podcast:
“What white folks don’t understand, it’s like that is so telling of how white America views people who are not like them. You know, we don’t exist. And when we do exist, we exist as a threat. And that, that’s exhausting.”
This is someone the party holds up as an example. I don’t remember anyone in the Democrat party calling out Mrs. Obama for her statements in the past that echo this one. This victim role is how the Left views Black women today, not Republicans or conservatives.
The second problem the Democrats have is that, like Hillary Clinton, Harris just isn’t a good candidate. Everyone remembers the way she acted during the primary — like it was beneath her to have to explain how things worked to such imbeciles like us. That attitude fell flat with even Democratic voters, obviously.
Thirdly, there’s the inconvenient fact that Alice Johnson exists — a Black woman who served time in prison for a first-time drug offense, and is now free and pardoned by the President of the United States himself. If anyone should feel downtrodden and victimized, it’s Johnson. But instead of railing against the sexist and racist man in the White House, she told Fox News on Friday she “[doesn’t] believe President Trump is a racist”:
“The people who are saying this don’t even know President Trump,” she said. “I don’t believe President Trump is a racist. My interactions with him and the things that he said and the things that I know touches his heart, those things would not come from a racist man.”
Johnson’s voice is just one of many, along with the others within Pres. Trump’s administration and in Congress, like Secretary Ben Carson and Sen. Tim Scott, and personal friends like Herschel Walker. Convincing the American people he’s racist or sexist is going to be a tough sell come November.
You can watch Alice Johnson’s full speech at the RNC below, via The Hill:
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