Joe Biden: Stephen Willeford Shouldn't Have Had the Gun He Used to Stop Church Shooter

Former Vice President Joe Biden is a walking gaffe. When he’s not sticking his foot in his mouth, he’s saying non-sensical things, and it wasn’t any different when on the Today show he was asked about gun control.


Watch this and marvel at what he says:

Woman: How do you justify the Democratic view on gun control when the shooter was stopped by a man who was legally licensed to carry a gun?

Biden: Well, first of all, the kind of gun being carried he shouldn’t be carrying.

First of all, it should be noted that Stephen Willeford didn’t require a license for his rifle, but he was eligible to have a gun, unlike Devin Kelley.

Biden went on to say he was the author of the original “assault weapons” ban. Of course, had the law still been in place, the likelihood is, Kelley yet would have had a semi-automatic rifle and Willeford may not. As somebody who follows the law, if his weapon was banned, he might have had to confront Kelley with a handgun.

Kelly was wearing protective gear that would have made it easy to stop the bullet from a 9mm from a distance, but the AR-15 rifle Willeford used, wounded Kelley. Willeford forced Kelley to drop his gun and make a run for it.

Kelley never had the chance to hurt another person. 

And Joe Biden would have taken away the opportunity for Willeford to stop Kelley if he had his way.


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