
Dems Say Goodbye to Biden, but We're Stuck With Him

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

When my elderly mother was fading, she endured a lengthy hospital stay. They discovered her virulent lung cancer had returned. So, I moved her to a nice nursing home where I visited for dinner.

She was always tiny, but now stooped, in her familiar dressing gown because she wasn’t going anywhere. Mom was not happy to be eating with a large crowd of noisy strangers. She gave them her side-eye. That didn’t work anymore.

I tried to make a joke about our reversed roles. “Eat your beans,” I said, “they’re good for you.” She didn’t get it. She ate them.

In her private room, I was determined to bring up the subject I’d been dreading since the doctor’s meeting. “Mom,” I said….

But she interrupted. “Shhh, ‘Jeopardy’s’ on.” 

After, I took a deep breath to talk about the beloved apartment she and Dad selected together years before, the one overlooking the ocean, the beach, the whales, and sunsets, the cozy perch packed with family paintings and antiques she’d collected over decades. She would never be going back there. And I had to tell her.

“Mom,” I said sadly, “we have to talk about the apartment.”

She looked at me like Joe Biden, her mouth open, her eyes glazed. And she said, “What apartment?”

I relived those sad moments of relief this past week as we watched Biden’s lifelong party pack him and his immense family syndicate off into the sunset, literally, to the West to another billionaire’s borrowed mansion in California. 

With his government earnings and pensions, his large professor’s salary for not teaching a class, earnings on books that listed him as author, and the 10 percent from Hunter’s international influence-peddling business, Joe could buy his own pair of mansions. As the Obamas have while fretting over people who have too much.

Virgin Islands, Southern California, Biden prefers to borrow vacation housing for his extended family, however. Wonder if he reports them as in-kind donations?

He often takes family abroad. In 2013, for an official VP trip to Beijing, Biden gave Hunter a free ride there on Air Force Two so the son could seal a multi-million-dollar Chinese deal for his business. We were assured father and son never discussed such things. Biden family honor.

On another trip as vice president, Biden ran up a $500K hotel bill for his entourage in Paris for one night and another $600K the next night in London. That’s a lot of mini-bar and Room Service. But don’t worry; taxpayers covered it all for him.

Politics, they say in Chicago, is not beanbag. And the way an unashamed Joe Biden treated people not in position to help him defines cold SOB. Asked about scores of desperate Afghans falling to their death off departing U.S. planes during his lethally botched withdrawal, Biden answered, “That was four days ago.”

So, karma bit his wrinkled butt last week at Democrats’ national convention. To get him out of the way early, Biden’s farewell speech was scheduled for prime time the first night. 

But wouldn’t you know, other speakers ran long. Then there was important music. And no one ever heard of adjusting a schedule for a president. So, the addled guy who was captain of the sinking campaign until the Pelosi Mutiny had to wait around for hours backstage. He didn’t get to speak until 11:27 p.m. Eastern. 

In those remarks, Biden actually plagiarized himself from speeches five months and two years ago. Not that many were listening anyway.

Because by then, millions of voters across the country had gone to bed. So, they weren't reminded of the lost soul who every elected Democrat and media outlet knowingly lied was sharp as a tack until that June debate in front of 55 million viewers when the truth came out. 

Of course, RedState readers knew all about the president's mounting difficulties here and here.

What a shame, right? 

But, hey, everyone in the United Center clapped and cheered. They waved the Joe signs organizers handed out. And a tearful Biden thought it was for his half-century of political service. When it was actually thunderous relief that he was ousted in the coup by Pelosi, who’s even older than he is.

Some years ago, that prominent Democrat leader sent word she was most eager to meet with a GOP governor I worked for. He was willing. I arranged it. 

At that session, she was the most obsequious, fawning person I’ve ever seen. Seriously. So pleased to meet him, heard many good things about his wonderful work and his lovely wife, the people of his state were lucky to have him and wise to elect him. If you're ever on Capitol Hill.... A diabetic in that room would have lapsed into a coma.

That’s politics. Those who work in that field use it, then move on. As a veteran D.C. denizen, a sharp-as-a-tack Biden would have known Pelosi was his dear friend until she wasn’t. They haven’t spoken since. “He knows that I love him,” the ex-Speaker claimed last week.

We won’t know for a while what her convincing threat was to oust Biden, who previously said only a supreme being could do that. Maybe releasing devastating polls showing he was lying again. Maybe using the 25th Amendment to make him a former president before his term ends, like the disgraced Richard Nixon.

The result was Biden went on another vacation, seemingly oblivious to what just happened, like my mother. And his party could get on with a convention mini-series branding his hand-picked vice-presidential partner as an agent of change — no real policies, no real media questions, but a fresh face that isn’t really fresh. 

The 59-year-old woman was not made vice president because of political skills or intellect. 

Hard to imagine a genuine "agent of change" being Biden's partner since Day One of their administration. 

That's 1,313 days ago when they began by snuffing U.S. energy independence and killing the Keystone XL Pipeline with some 40,000 jobs. Then, they moved on to missing the infant food shortage, the supply chain crisis, screwing up the Afghan troop withdrawal, the certainty of nine percent inflation from $5 trillion in new spending. And more.

Here is Harris explaining the current health crisis you may have missed that, she says, has taken the lives of two-thirds of all Americans, 220 million. 

Or explaining to a silent audience how computer clouds work:

The Biden-Harris administration leaves a vast array of other serious problems for Harris and her bouncy sidekick to ignore through Election Day.

Harris was/is also the border czar who’s presided over the willful erasure of the southern border to admit into the nation that they swore to protect an ongoing flood of illegal aliens equivalent to the combined populations of Philadelphia, Chicago, Phoenix, San Diego, Dallas, San Antonio, and Seattle. 

“I’ve been to the border,” Harris explained, revealing the impact of such photo ops.

A theme of the Democrat convention was “Joy,” although much of the proceedings had more to do with attacking Republican opponents. Joyously, of course.

We heard speakers who own three mansions advise against trusting the wealthy who have too much. We heard a former president, who says Trump will destroy democracy, warn that Republicans play on voters’ fears.

Not much discussion of specific policies; they’re so boring anyway. For the moment, Democrats are counting once again on short-voter memories, a sympathetic media, and antipathy toward Donald Trump, now the “old man” in the race.

That and the buzz or vibes of a new pair of radical Democrats, who don’t mind urban rioting where they aren't.

Something else that did not come up in the party’s infomercial: There is a little-noticed catch in the un-democratic Democrat deal that dismissed the choice of 14 million in party primaries to install as presidential nominee a woman who ran in none of them: 

The sweetener for Joe Biden, who turns 82 in three months, is it leaves him fully in charge of the presidency into 2025. Or that's what "they" tell him.

This is a dangerous world. So — stick with me here — the man Jill Biden leads around by the hand who is too far gone mentally and physically to start a second term on Jan. 20, is apparently not too far gone mentally and physically to remain commander in chief until then. 

That's 148 days from noon today. Set your timer for 3,552 more hours of lies, fables, gaslighting, and, please, Lord, no foreign crises. 

Biden is still on vacation this weekend, as he has been for 40 percent of his first and last term. Harris took the weekend off, too.

News media love perpetuating Democrat honeymoons and are focused on how exciting it is to be selling something new. That is, until the Sept 10 debate between Trump and Harris, which may not be joyous for everyone in it.


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