
Joe Biden's Reelection Plan Is Dead and So Is This One

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

According to the Democrat Party, Joe Biden is no longer healthy enough, in mind or body, to seek reelection as president of the United States.

However, the party poobahs have decided on their own that the enfeebled 81-year-old, who gets lost leaving a stage, is in swell shape to remain commander in chief and leader of the free world for 172 more days. 

Half a year. That's 4,128 hours of prolonged peril for 333 million Americans and a tempting opportunity for those abroad who would do this country harm. How does that work at all?

All to save the equally-aged party leaders and their grip on power from the unprecedented constitutional mess of removing from the presidency a fellow Democrat they were recently hailing as sharp as a tack.

That kind of irrational but convenient thinking makes real sense in that strange place called Washington. And in the dreams of disheartened Democrats who, along with 55 million other Americans, witnessed Biden's appalling condition live on-screen during that fateful June 27 debate.

Biden wanted that early political confrontation badly to, once and for all, seal the political doom of Donald Trump. "Make my day, pal!" Biden said in his video challenge.

That evening did not turn out well for Biden as Trump proved once more to be an elusive victim.

So, we are apparently stuck with the Big Guy, who isn't so big after all. This week we witnessed the first of what will quite likely become numerous incidents of Joe Biden attempting to dig up some kind of political relevance to earn the last half of his $400,000 annual salary.

He proposed a packet of legislation and a constitutional amendment to get even with that darned independent Supreme Court that's handed him so many adverse rulings.

Once again, he's trying to find a decorous way to get off-stage.

That's the topic we discuss in this week's audio commentary.

This week's column was one I very much enjoyed exploring. And apparently, so did many VIP readers.

It examined the indecorous ousting of Jill Biden's husband from the 2024 election cycle, the installation of an unqualified and radical Kamala Harris as his replacement atop the ticket, and the best way for said radical to win the presidency.

Hint: Donald Trump can give her chances a big boost.

We have Joe Biden as our dear leader for a dangerously vulnerable period. But even before he finally shuffles down to that Delaware beach for good, we can begin to gauge the immense and unfortunately growing damages that the Biden-Harris administration has inflicted on our country during their sad Reign of Error. 

It's not pretty, and the recovery will be expensive and long. That's what we explored in the most recent audio commentary, Joe Biden Says He's Going Away, but He Leaves Us an Immense Legacy of Damages.

Finally, there's this: After four years of diddling around, the Biden-Harris administration has done a plea bargain with three of the 9/11 organizers, including the chief organizer. Doing a deal with these men who killed so many people 23 years ago after all this time is reprehensible.

The deal reportedly involves dropping the death penalty in return for guilty pleas and life sentences. My experience watching "life sentences" over many years is that they rarely seem to last an entire life. Charles Manson aside.

My colleague Streiff has the details here, such as they are. The Biden-Harris Defense Department and prosecutors have not announced the details yet, which makes me suspicious.

Like the ousting of Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee, this decision to forfeit a final punishment for these killers reeks of expedience. Like so very much of what our federal government does.


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