
Someone Needs to Say It: We Have No Real President Now

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

This is scary stuff.

Joe Biden has lost it. He holds the title of president of the United State. But he's not an adequately functioning president. We have a man, an intellectual midget, who by his own admission, does what others tell him to do.

Those "others" pulling his strings are unelected and remain unidentified in the shadows.

About 40 percent of the time Biden is on vacation off in Delaware doing something — or nothing. What he does there or what he has done to him is mysteriously hidden. Which raises all kinds of suspicions.

Other days, he does simple ceremonial things. During a Medal of Honor presentation last year, he hung the nation's highest honor around the neck of the senior veteran decades after his valorous act.

The ceremony was not over. But without explanation, President Biden just walked out of the room.

On some days, Biden is allegedly campaigning for reelection, flying around at great expense. Talking at crowds. No mingling, of course, because then people could tell something is off.

Every appearance on these scattered working days provides compelling new evidence that mentally, the chief executive has lost it. Garbled sentences. Brain freezes, Incoherent rambles. 

Each day, Joe Biden sets a new record for oldest sitting president. He turns 82 this year. He wants to stay as commander in chief until he's 86. But his mental deterioration appears to be worsening right now.

It is quite sad on a human level.

But, more importantly, it's quite scary. We've all witnessed parents and relatives fade as advancing age takes its toll. It's natural. But our parents were not the alleged leader of the free world.

With the lives and destinies of 330 million Americans at stake, along with allies counting on U.S. leadership, the clock is ticking on some new catastrophe as adversaries seek to take advantage of the perceived weak leader. 

Remember the Chinese spy balloon he allowed to drift across the entire country? Russia just launched a space weapon that could attack U.S. satellites. From the Biden White House, Crickets.

Or remember what Biden said last year when Russia intentionally downed a U.S. drone in international air space? No, you don't. He said nothing. Zip. Saying nothing to bullies is actually saying something. And it's very weak.

There are no coincidences in global diplomacy. Russia didn't invade Ukraine until Biden was in office. Hamas and Iran and the Houthis didn't attack Israel and international shipping until the calendar window of Biden's term started closing.

That's what we discuss in this week's audio commentary. Don't forget to share your own thoughts in the Comments.

This week, RedState published another in an ongoing series of my personal Memories. This one was a unique little habit that my father taught to ignite my imagination.

Safe to say, it worked. And I share the story of the surprising places that suggestion went

This week's column looked at the upcoming debates scheduled between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I included a video of some recent Biden brain freezes which, if repeated during a nationally-televised presidential debate could certainly sink Jill Biden's dream of four more years in government housing with servants.

I saw some very real dangers in those events for Trump and detailed them here.

Speaking of this fall's presidential election on Nov. 5, Gallup took a new public opinion survey and found some record-breaking results about voter intentions. That was the most recent audio commentary.


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