Satchuel Paigelyn Cole recently came out.
Not as gay, but white.
As noted by The Daily Caller, Satchuel’s worked as a “highly visible racial justice activist in Indianapolis,” particularly with the local Black Lives Matter chapter.
Furthermore, she served as spokeswoman for the family of Aaron Bailey, a black man shot by police in 2017 after driving away from a traffic stop.
No weapon was found in his crashed car.
Satch Cole, who has been a leader in the fight for racial justice in Indianapolis, lied about being Black. https://t.co/Wz9K0dhpVx
— IndyStar (@indystar) September 18, 2020
But Satchuel had a dark secret: She wasn’t…dark.
On Wednesday, she posted her confession to social media:
“Friends, I need to take accountability for my actions and the harm that I have done.”
According to Satch, she’s been masquerading as something she’s not:
“My deception and lies have hurt those I care most about.”
Here comes the cold water:
“I have taken up space as a Black person while knowing I am white.”
It was downright racial appropriation:
“I have used Blackness when it was not mine to use. I have asked for support and energy as a Black person. I have caused harm to the city, friends and the work that I held so dear.”
But she’s ready to make things right:
“I will do the work to take responsibility for my actions and try to reduce the harm that I have already caused. If there are ways to repair the harm, I will do the work that is required to do so.”
And Satchuel’s seeking assistance:
“I will continue to seek the help necessary to heal myself. I am sorry for the harm I have caused. I am sorry for the hurt and betrayal. I will do what I can to show that I want to be a better person.”
Friends, I need to take accountability for my actions and the harm that I have done. My deception and lies have hurt…
Posted by Satch Paige on Wednesday, September 16, 2020
As it turns out, Satch didn’t only change her race; she used to be Jennifer Benton.
Per Back Indy LIVE, she became black Cole in 2010, legally modifying her moniker.
It seems a good chance she was inspired by baseball great Satchel Paige.
Was there anyone more legendary than Satchel Paige?#NegroLeagues100 pic.twitter.com/AUn96kzJRH
— Chris Clark (@ChrisMClark19) August 16, 2020
Identifying as bi-racial, she claimed her father — who she never met — was black.
But according to documents discovered by Black Indy LIVE, both her parents are Caucasian.
ok sorry Indianapolis but the name Satchuel Paigelyn Cole shoulda been a big hint https://t.co/GUDP6XOihE
— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) September 18, 2020
The white black lady’s been busy; from the Caller:
In addition to her work on the Bailey case and with Black Lives Matter, she worked with Indy Showing Up For Racial Justice, Indy Pride and was vice president of the social justice organization DON’T SLEEP, The Star reported. She also founded No Questions Asked Food Pantry, which partnered with Black Lives Matter among other organizations.
Couldn’t she have carried a bucket for the same issues as a paleface? Perhaps she believed No.
Of course, Satchuel’s not the only one to take on the color of different skin — such was the case for Jessica Krug.
As relayed by the New York Post earlier this month, the George Washington University Professor “lied about being black for years.”
It’s an interesting move.
Indianapolis has its own Rachel Dolezal!!!!!! Her name is Jennifer Benton and she goes by Satchuel Cole. She’s lied and said a black was her father and he’s not. Wooooooooooooowwww. pic.twitter.com/0wdSUMxqNh
— Frances Lee (@no_askfrances) September 15, 2020
For all the talk of being oneself, it appears the culture’s still emphasizing components of identity like it’s going out of style.
And hopefully, it will.
In the meantime, here in 2020, the world’s upside down.
And sometimes, apropos, black is white and white is black.
Perfect Portrait of Where We Are: 19 Black Families Join to Create Their Own Town
Incredible: Minneapolis Resident Describes the Horror of a ‘Defund the Police’ City
Washington’s ‘F the Police’ March Sees a Young Man ‘Pig Fishing’ in Cops’ Faces
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