So what happens if, in November, Joe Biden takes the driver’s seat?
If Bernie Sanders has anything to say about it, we’ll be taking a sharp left turn.
On Sunday, Bern took to the airwaves via CNN’s State of the Union to discuss a Biden presidency.
He sees it as a two-step process:
“We’re going to do everything that we can to elect Biden and — after he’s elected — move this country in as progressive a way as we possibly can.”
So rest easy.
And what would that progression include? Well, for one thing, as he indicated, Medicare for All.
Bernie is, of course, the country’s premiere socialist, and he’s racked up quite a following over the last few years.
America’s seen a lot of its citizens tooting the horn of socialism and/or cheering the candidates who blow it.
Oddly, I’m not sure I’ve heard any fan of the concept say what it actually is: A system in which an individual may not own his or her own business. Does everyone know this?
Regardless, despite a nomination loss this second time around, Bernie’s still big time.
Ahead of Monday night’s Democratic National Convention, Fox News pointed that out:
For a second straight presidential election cycle, the populist senator from Vermont came up short in the race for the Democratic nomination. But as the 78-year-old independent lawmaker and self-described democratic socialist gives one of the major addresses Monday night as the Democratic National Convention gets underway, Sanders is able to claim a victory of sorts.
“On all of the ideas that we have been campaigning … understanding that health care is a human right, the need to raise the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour, the understanding that climate change is an existential threat and that we can create millions of jobs (by) transforming our energy system,” Sanders said Sunday in an interview on ABC News. “We have made enormous progress in bringing the American people in our direction, especially the younger generation.”
And AOC’s an ally…
Even before Biden clinched the nomination, the former vice president started adopting some of Sanders and Warren’s leading progressive policy proposals. And Biden and Sanders teamed up to form task forces that found common ground on key issues. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York – a leader of the younger generation of progressives and champion of the Green New Deal – co-chaired the climate change panel that produced a climate change proposal more far-reaching than the original proposal introduced by Biden last year during the primary campaign.
According to a released selection of his planned NDC address, Bernie’s ready to save the world:
“The future of our democracy is at stake. The future of our economy is at stake. The future of our planet is at stake. We must come together, defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president. My friends, the price of failure is just too great to imagine.”
Actually, it’s very easy to imagine. They can just remember — from last time.
But that’s political rhetoric for ya.
Back to Sanders’s Sunday sit-down, host Chuck Todd inquired about his differences with the aspiring VP:
“[Kamala Harris] ultimately did not support essentially ending private health insurance, she did not back tuition-free college or wiping out student loans the way you propose, she did not want to abolish ICE. You led a huge movement centered around these issues. Are you frustrated that these positions will not be represented on the Democratic ticket, and how do you tell your voters to support a ticket that, in their view, might be more moderate than progressive?”
Bernie said the important thing is to beat the “most dangerous president in American history,” and his side’s doing grrrreat:
“Our movement…is doing really quite phenomenally well. … We have elected extremely progressive…people who will become members of Congress who are gonna stand up and fight for working families and take on the 1% and the greed of the corporate elite. … So our movement has real momentum, and we are doing just fine.”
Maybe so, but Chuck Todd wanted to know about Bern’s former press secretary:
“[Briahna Joy Gray] tweeted that nominating Biden and Harris shows ‘contempt for the base.'”
I’ll do ya one better, Chuck, courtesy of Sanders campaign co-chair Nina Turner in July:
“[Voting for Biden is] like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of sh-t in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still sh-t.”
How’s that for “progress?”
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