Coincidence? Georgia Police Chief Resigns After Investigation of 'Unrelated' Concerns Following an Anti-BLM Facebook Post

AP Photo/Noah Berger
AP featured image
Black Lives Matter protester Jorge Mendoza holds a sign while rallying at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Following an agreement between Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and the Trump administration to reduce federal officers in the city, nightly protests remained largely peaceful without major confrontations between demonstrators and officers. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)


On Tuesday, a police chief in Georgia concluded a saga that was begun with a less-than-supportive position toward Black Lives Matter™.

In June, then-Johns Creek Chief Chris Byers posted a lengthy message on his personal Facebook page addressing “pastors, directors of ministries, youth pastors, worship leaders…anyone who leads a congregation of faith in any religion or denomination.”

Chris first made clear George Floyd’s passing was a racist travesty:

“[His death] was done at the hands of someone evil and vile. I along with every other member of the law enforcement community disown him as one of our own. He was never one of us. He may have worn a badge. But that is just a hunk of metal without the honor that backs it up. In the same way that the robe of the clergy or title as pastor has to be backed up with the same level of honor or it means nothing. And let me say this…I believe racism was at its core.”

He explained his law enforcement officers had asked why religious leaders were aligning themselves with BLM:

“[T]here have been countless words that I as a Christian am ashamed to hear. ‘Chief, our pastors have abandoned us.’ ‘They have sold us out for slogans in the name of attempting to be relevant.’ ‘Chief, what about us?’ ‘Why has my pastor and congregation hash tagged organizations that condone killing us in their social media postings and sermons?’ ‘Chief, don’t they know that the movements they are promoting at its core celebrates the killing of police officers simply because they wear the badge.'”


Chris is an “All Lives Matter” kinda guy:

“I have been asked by those in our community countless times…’Do you believe black lives matter?’ My definitive answer, YES! I believe that the lives of every black man, woman, and child matter just as much as the lives of every white man, woman, and child and police officer.”

The lawman indicated he was supportive of protesting and justice, but he wouldn’t be taking a knee soon — “I take a knee of surrender to my Lord and Savior alone. I will, however, stand with you and protect your rights to protest and have your voices heard. And I will bow down to pray with you.”

Here’s where things went majorly awry…

“[Black Lives Matter] is not what you pastors and religious leaders think it is. Stop trying to be relevant and look deeper into what you are saying, posting, and tagging before you do it. But please..never give up the fight against racism. We have a long way to go! But we need everybody moving in the same direction.”


“I do not support the Black Lives Matter as a movement, as it seems to glorify the killing of my brothers and sisters.”

Some people didn’t appreciate that nuttiness.

As per The Associated Press:


Byers was placed on leave…while officials began gathering information from residents, police officers and city employees, Johns Creek City Manager Ed Densmore said at the time.

The investigation later focused on other issues “unrelated” to the chief’s social media post, [Johns Creek City Manager Ed Densmore] said. The city manager did not specify what those issues were.

Now we come to the end: Chris has resigned.

And why? Mayor Mike Bodker figures it’s better this way:

“Based on extensive and careful consideration of everything that has occurred within our city over the past few months, we have come to the conclusion that it is in the city’s best interests to part ways with our police chief.”

The council’s lookin’ for somethin’ different:

“Our City Council discussed and voted to approve a settlement agreement with Police Chief Chris Byers. As we move forward, our next step is to begin the search process to fill the Police Chief position with a highly qualified candidate who embodies the heart and soul of our community. The ideal candidate will inspire confidence in the men and women of the Police Department and uphold the respect of our residents.”


Back to those “unrelated” issues, might Chris’s post have been merely coincidental?

I’d say Not Likely.

As you know, Black Lives Matter™ is a political organization — it’s for some things and against others, and its beliefs aren’t universal. The group shouldn’t be confused with the concept that the lives of black people are valuable, but how can it not? Form an association called “Puppies Shouldn’t be Shot” and watch the donations pour in. Then add some Marxism, and see how it goes.

Bonus: Rioters chanting “Black Lives Matter” — but with no official affiliation — are stealing things, tearing things up (and down), and committing violence, as they make what appear to be efforts toward anarchy, seemingly unrelated to anything to do with black people.

It’s a confusing situation at a confusing time.

And the world just got more confusing: Biden made his VP pick today, which might mean the Dems are going to actually go through with it.

If he loses, maybe Joe can take Chris’s old job — surely by November, we’ll have been relentlessly told he’s the “heart and soul” of America.




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