Last week, an incredible video struck the web — Russian soccer player Ivan Zaborovsky was shown being shaken by a shocking “How ya doin'” from the heavens.
On July 4th, the 16-year-old was training on the field as someone videoed.
Just as he took a shot near the touchline, something happened that looked straight out of The Ten Commandments.
As his foot made contact with the ball, the cosmos made contact with him.
From high above — as if God himself had pointed down a finger — a streak of lighting flashed to the earth and connected to all clay creation — using Ivan’s skeleton as a conductor.
This is the harrowing video of the moment Russian 3rd tier club FC Znamya Truda's youth goalkeeper Ivan Zaborovsky is struck by lightning in training
The 16-year-old is currently in a coma and on a life support machine.pic.twitter.com/aoyiiM0CNO
— Danny Armstrong (@DannyWArmstrong) July 6, 2020
The attempted goal: not good.
It looked as if the ball was a bomb, but that was all the work of the atmosphere, Jack!
It’s not often you see someone get attacked by the sky.
And it wasn’t as if the forecast had been “cloudy with a chance of Benjamin Franklin.”
Team Znamya Truda General Director Igor Mayorov recalled:
“There was a clear sky, albeit overcast, but neither rain nor wind. If there was a thunderstorm, then we would not have been training.”
“When I ran over to him, he was lying face down,” Coach Anton Basov said. “I turned him over and saw that his entire jersey was burning on his chest. We then started emergency resuscitation.”
The cooked kid was rushed to a hospital in Lyubertsy, where doctors put the toasted teen in a coma.
As of July 6th — as per CNN — his condition was stable.
Though he’d suffered severe burns, a club tweet announced there was no “life-threat.”
GM Igor told CNN the electrified athlete “[continued] to be [in a coma], so his brain would rest, get saturated with oxygen.”
Well, saturation complete: Less than three weeks after being struck down, Ivan was back up.
He’s alive and kickin’ — literally. The player’s returned to the soccer field, and last Tuesday, he made the news again.
From Yahoo News UK:
[Z]aborovsky signed a contract with his club’s senior team, which plays in Russia’s third division, something that had been planned before the lightning strike.
As for that fateful day, Ivan doesn’t remember it.
The only thing that reminds him of what could have been a deadly incident is a burn on his chest where he had been wearing a chain.
“The last thing I remember was leaving home. Then I woke up in the hospital,” Zaborovsky said, ensuring reporters everything was getting “better and better.”
Huge congratulations to 16-year-old goalkeeper, Ivan Zaborovskiy who has signed his first professional contract with the club.#FCZT pic.twitter.com/DlkONU7z6z
— Znamya Truda FC 🚩 (@ZnamyaTrudaFC) July 21, 2020
⚡️ This is crazy!
Ivan Zaborovsky, a 16yo Russian soccer player who was struck by lightning during a warm up, made his return to the field in less than three weeks.
I don’t speak Russian but I assume he’s saying he was shocked by the experience. pic.twitter.com/kO8p1XQjfU
— PiQ (@PriapusIQ) July 23, 2020
So let’s see…baller jewelry…amazing scar story…supreme athlete status…now all the guy needs is a cool car.
For his troubles, I recommend Elon Musk gifts him — very appropriately — a Tesla.
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