James Woods is a cowboy with a keyboard. And Thursday, he pulled out the ol’ six shooter.
As noted by The Daily Wire, Nancy Pelosi ordered the Capitol removal of portraits of former Speakers who’d served in the Confederacy.
But James thought she might wanna take a look at someone more contemporary.
The Academy Award nominee inquired:
“How about your buddy, KKK leader Robert Byrd?”
How about your buddy, KKK leader Robert Byrd? https://t.co/8DmX8YVyOX
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 18, 2020
It’s not a bad question. Robert, who served in the Senate — as Minority Leader 1981-1987 and Majority leader 1987-1989 — was in fact a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.
As relayed by RedState’s Amelia Hamilton in 2017, in 1944, Robert wrote the following to Mississippi Sen. Theodore Bilbo:
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Perhaps particularly relevant now, Amelia wrote, “If you must destroy statues, consider these four.”
The other three: Che Guevara in New York City, “hard-core racist Margaret Sanger” (presumably at the Smithsonian), and Vladimir Lenin in Seattle.
Back to Robert, The Washington Post remembered him this way:
As a young man, Mr. Byrd was an “exalted cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan. Although he apologized numerous times for what he considered a youthful indiscretion, his early votes in Congress — notably a filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act — reflected racially separatist views.
But Hillary hailed him as a man of “surpassing…nobility” and the “heart and soul of America”:
Pelosi loved the guy, too, honoring him thusly upon his passing:
“While some simply bore witness to history, Senator Byrd shaped it – and strove to build a brighter future for us all. … He never hesitated to speak truth to power. He was a voice of reason during times of war and economic hardship. … And he always stood on principle, even when others did not.”
Of course, people can change. But who’s to say which former Confederate Speakers held which beliefs during their terms? Or at the ends of their lives? Does Nancy know?
It’s probably not a good time for that sort of nuanced thinking. Better to just pander ’til you’re pooped:
If the Democrats fail to capture the White House and the Senate in November, this photo will explain why – an embarrassing display of tokenism and cultural appropriation.
At the moment people are demanding answers, @TheDemocrats give them Broadway. pic.twitter.com/5G2MWkV6FX
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 10, 2020
All your scarves represent the #AshantiTribe that promoted slavery @SpeakerPelosi@chuckschumer @StenyHoyer@KamalaHarrishttps://t.co/GONHRTenbn
— T3 (@Zanne1255) June 15, 2020
Morons, virtue-signaling to empire involved in slave tradehttps://t.co/hqlWGNsSq4
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) June 18, 2020
Pooping completed.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Murderous Mint Chocolate Chip: Meghan McCain Calls Trump’s Pelosi Ad Exactly What It Is
James Woods Decimates Democrats and Their Snoozed COVID Alarm Now That It’s Riot Time
Holy Moly: James Woods Grills Pelosi Like a Burger at a Wuhan Coronavirus Cookout
Find all my RedState work here.
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