On Tuesday, Meghan McCain did something she surely couldn’t stand: The daughter of late Sen. John defended Donald Trump.
The ladies of ABC’s titanic talkfest The View were discussing the Commander-in-Chief’s restarted rallies in a coronavirus’d world, having just seen tens of thousands protesting in the streets.
Meghan pointed to a political double standard:
“There’s a lot of hypocrisy to go around here, and this is one of the issues that I’m really enraged about. I don’t think anyone should be in giant rallies right now because we’ve been told by medical experts that it’s not safe. But the message from the media is, as long as you are protesting something or going to a rally that is of the right politics, you can do it. And we’re going to ignore the spread of COVID. So going to a Trump rally is somehow much more dangerous than going to a rally in Brooklyn over the weekend.”
She referenced “a lot of anger festering up” and the recent anti-playground attitude of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who — as covered by RedState’s Nick Arama — was given the metaphorical one-finger salute by local elected officials with large bolt cutters.
Happening now in Borough Park: Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Councilman Kalman Yeger — along with activist Heshy Tischler — breaking into locked up Dome Park in message of defiance to @NYCMayor https://t.co/SEZBjfbwie
— Jacob Kornbluh (@jacobkornbluh) June 16, 2020
Total double standard → New York's mayor appears to be discriminating against Jewish funerals, schools, and playgrounds in enforcing his coronavirus shutdown.
If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks. pic.twitter.com/FVtww4n9u8
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) June 16, 2020
Meghan continued:
“[W]e can laugh all we want on here, but this is the most angry I’ve seen a lot of people I know — in the center and on the Right — because the message is confusing.”
The blonde bullseyed the bottom line:
“Is COVID a pandemic that we all have to stay sheltering in place and inside, or is it not? Or is it only a pandemic if you are a conservative and you’re a Trump supporter, and then you have to stay inside? And you’re a hypocrite if sign this waiver and you go to his rally, but you’re not a hypocrite if you protest someplace else?”
It’s quite the question.
Whoopi Goldberg asserted it’s no issue of politics, and no one should be going to either rallies or protests. Yet, people have a right to if they choose:
“It isn’t just…Trump folks. It’s folks who are out doing things that we probably should not be doing.”
The discussion then turned to the country’s highest-ranking Republican’s rally release form.
For a bit of background, here’s The Guardian:
[T]he Trump campaign is asking supporters to sign a waiver that makes clear the campaign is not responsible if anyone gets ill from crowding with thousands of others in an enclosed space.
By registering to attend, supporters “are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 exists in any public place where people are present”, the waiver states, adding that attendees and guests “voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Covid-19” and agree to not hold the Trump campaign, the venue or other organizers liable.
Back to The View, devoted Democrat Joy Behar trashed Trump:
“The what aboutism is irrelevant to me right now. I mean, nobody in the Cuomo administration asked anybody to sign a waiver so they can’t be sued. It’s a whole different ball game we’re talking about here.”
In response, Meghan did what Meghan does — she pounded with the Hammer of Thor:
“[I]’m no Trump fan — everybody knows that. But you make me defend him when you say things like, ‘He wants people to die, he doesn’t care about public health,’ when at the same time there’s a huge controversy in New York City with nursing homes… So let’s just be careful with our rhetoric right now… I still can’t buy a crib for my child in person, and there are people that are out protesting everywhere and going to Trump rallies. And all I’m saying is it’s confusing, it’s frustrating. … [I] don’t understand some of the mixed messaging that’s happening, and there are a lot of Americans right now who are on the same page as I am.”
Joy attempted a punch-back — the White House has “fired the pandemic team” and is “incompetent.”
McCain was unmoved:
“[The coronavirus] is an American problem. This is a problem that is bipartisan. It’s not just a Trump administration problem, Joy.”
Behar rebuffed, “I disagree.”
Meghan apologized for Joy’s janky judgement:
“I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous.”
The show’s token (semi?) conservative had a solid point — germs don’t possess political opinions. If we get together, will we get sick? Or is it all baloney?
RedState’s Brandon Morse seems to be erring on the side of lunchmeat — check out his VIP article, “I Don’t Care About the Coronavirus Anymore and Neither Should You.”
Due to COVID-19, New York City Issues a Guide to ‘Safer’ Sex – and All I Can Say Is Wow
Conquering Kiwis: New Zealand Makes a Stunning Announcement About the Coronavirus
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