On Sunday, a potential violent attack on a church was stopped by law enforcement.
Parishioners of the Oak Grove Baptist Church in Waxhaw, North Carolina, were holding an outdoor service.
In the Tarheel State, coronavirus restrictions don’t apply to churches. Gov. Roy Cooper had attempted a clampdown on indoor worship, but — as covered by RedState’s Sister Toldjah — Christian leaders sued, and a federal judge put the kibosh on Roy’s effort.
As per Oak Grove’s website, the church will resume indoor services on the 31st; on the 25th, however, the congregation met outside.
And apparently, a neighbor across the street didn’t appreciate it.
According to the Union County Sheriff’s Office, the man had interrupted the service by screaming obscenities at church members.
It wasn’t his first time.
But Deputy Tony Underwood said it wasn’t clear why the guy was so irate:
“We don’t know exactly what the gentleman was upset about. We think it’s the noise, but we’re not exactly sure.”
Cops were called on the man, and they ended up attempting a subdual via tasers.
However, according to a statement, “The armed male continued fighting…”
Eventually, a deputy fired on the man.
Courtesy of the New York Post:
The wounded suspect, whose name wasn’t immediately released, was taken to a Charlotte hospital. The two deputies received medical treatment, but Underwood said neither deputy was seriously injured. The wounded man faces criminal charges related to the struggle with deputies.
54-year-old Christopher Ross faces charges of Disorderly Conduct for interfering with the church service; two counts of Assault with a Deadly Weapon against Law Enforcement Officers; and Resist, Delay and Obstructing an Officer.
Union Co. deputies filed charges against 54-year-old Christopher Ross after he became verbally abusive toward worshipers at Oak Grove Baptist Church.
Church members say he was standing at the edge of his driveway yelling obscenities at them.
More: https://t.co/yb6THTVvwM pic.twitter.com/ukGyAPIwvU— 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕒𝕟 𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤 (@MorganFOX46) May 24, 2020
There was a time in our culture when most Americans respected faith and worship. Even those who didn’t attend services generally revered the practice.
Can that still be said of most who don’t practice a religion?
In my view, a man screaming obscenities as citizens attempt to praise their God is symbolic of a cultural shift — a move away from respect for one’s fellow Americans and a veneration for people’s worship of their creator.
The man in North Carolina — who was, as reported by the Post, wielding a knife — is one in an ever-longer line of would-be or successful violent offenders who’ve targeted houses of worship with vile intent.
Churches today are training security teams. The country’s gone from people not locking their doors to homeowners installing security systems to now churches having to fortify their entrances as well.
It seems America needs its churches now more than ever. And yet, they’re under threat. As are innocents everywhere, by a growing cancer of disregard in the darker hearts of the citizenry.
The incident in North Carolina occurred just before Memorial Day. One way we must honor those who gave their lives for this nation is to make sure it remains a country and an idea worth the sacrifice.
How do we turn back the tide? I look forward to hearing from you in the Comments section.
See 3 more pieces from me:
‘He Doesn’t Even Know He’s Alive’: Trump Takes a Brutal Bite as He Continues to Eat Sloppy Joe
Mail Stripper: Republicans Sue the Pants Off Gavin Newsom Over His Vote-From-Home Executive Order
Find all my RedState work here.
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