While some Democrats attack Trump for attacking Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, two Muslim women are sending their own missiles toward the President’s critics.
Masih Alinejad — a journalist/producer for Voice of America Persian Service — and native British Dr. Qanta Ahmed are standing up for the Commander-in-Cheif and against those in outrage over his move against the planet’s largest sponsor of terrorism.
Speaking to Fox News, Qanta called the nay-sayers “completely morally bankrupt and craven.”
In fact, she said, their opposition “makes you question what their interests really are.”
Masih knows a thing or two about Iran — her brother was jailed there in front of his young children for protesting the regime.
Strangely, it seems some in the West like the recently departed more than do Iranians:
“Look, I have been in touch with many Iranians and I have to say that a lot of Iranians do not see Qassem Soleimani as a hero, and I’m very shocked when I see in the Western media calling him a hero. For what? For killing the Syrian children, Iraqi children, or killing the Iranian people in Iran protests.”
In light of Soleimani’s passing, Qanta explained, citizens of Iran were elated:
“I have been speaking to all of my friends and contacts in Iran — where Soleimani had a tremendous grip through his leadership and plans with PMF — and they’re celebrating. They’re exchanging cakes with each other. They’re congratulating each other
Meanwhile, some in America are decrying our leader’s strike.
“To see the United States criticizing the President for this emphatic, long overdue, much indicated rebuke, is disgraceful and it makes you question what their interests really are.”
Here’s an example from Sunday:
As for it being “long overdue,” things have certainly been percolating for quite some time:
….Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. Now they are Bust!….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2019
Qanta called Soleimani a mass murderer:
“Soleimani was the mastermind of Iranian hegemony over the region — responsible for hundreds of deaths, thousands of deaths in many many nations. There’s no criticism that legitimate for this targeting.”
hegemony = (especially of countries) the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others.
Additionally, according to Masih via Twitter, stories of “millions of people” honoring the general during his funeral were absurd:
2-Here are 3 images covering the surface area where there were crowds.
Let’s say there’re two people per square metre.
In fact, in most demonstrations where demonstrators walk shoulder-to-shoulder, there’re often two people per square metre. pic.twitter.com/YqcjtJ860B
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) January 6, 2020
3- We saw the aerial view of the people in the crowds.
It suffices to compute the surface area of this place to work out how many people were there approximately.
Fortunately, we know the beginning and the end points of the area covered with people.
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) January 6, 2020
4-As we can see on the map, the crowds start near the Pezeshki Naderi Street.
After several intersections & squares, they reach the bridge. There’re people on the bridge as well. Passing through the bridge, the crowds reach the Molavi square & go all the way to the next square pic.twitter.com/gFM8i8C7J9
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) January 6, 2020
5-This gives a total surface area of 45779 square metres.
Considering the starting and ending points of the crowds and the fact that there’re 2 people per square metre, we end up with approximately only 90 thousand people.
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) January 6, 2020
6- Next time they show you this video & talk of “millions of people” in #Soleimani’s funeral, recall this calculation.
Remember that such street shows are how dictators brag about their so-called “popularity”.
This is how they give the impression that the entire city was out.
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) January 6, 2020
As explained to Fox, in the journalist’s view, neutralizing Soleimani was “a pivotal moment for Iraq, perhaps even more so than when Saddam Hussein was removed.”
And what’s happening now is about totalitarianism and hypocrisy:
“Recently 1500 people got killed and Sepah, the Revolutionary Guard, is in charge; they didn’t even allow the family of the victims to mourn, to have a public service,” Alinejad explained. “And right now this is hypocrisy. The government called for a public service for Qassem Soleimani for three days and the parents of those people who got killed by the Revolutionary Guard right now are in prison. My brother, my brother got arrested by the Revolutionary Guard in front of his small children. This (the killing of Soleimani) is the reason that the Iranian people, the victims, are very happy.”
Could this be the time for revolution?
Qanta believes so:
“The Iraqis now have a choice: Sunni Iraqis, Kurdish Iraqis and half of Iraq’s Shia are anti-Iran,” she said. “Will they seize the reins? Let’s not forget what Soleimani was planning: another repeat of the Iranian hostage situation that we saw 40 years ago. That’s what he was planning. And possibly a potential coup of Iraqi power into Iranian hands.”
If it occurs, will Democrats applaud, or is there anything Trump could do that would prompt an atta boy from the political Left?
I’m thinking military projectiles may travel thousands of miles, but compliments won’t be making their way across the aisle any time soon.
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