Meghan McCain’s been trying to warn the Democratic dames on The View, but they haven’t seemed willing to listen.
Meghan McCain Dares the Democrats to Impeach: ‘Unleash the Kraken!’
On Thursday, she continued her message: For any Dems who think they’re winning against Trump — with Impeachment Mania or a dirge of a 2020 Candidates Row — they’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’.
Meghan’s unimpressed by the public testimony so far.
Compadre Abby Huntsman made clear she’s not particularly taken either:
“I don’t see a crime that was committed.”
Though she did note:
“I see a terrible abuse of power.”
And that’s when Meghan went off, with a slam of Wednesday night’s primary pratfall:
“One of the things that I pride myself in is that we can’t get sucked into the beltway and the media circles. He’s very popular in a lot of places in America. What I saw last night on the debate stage is not gonna be good enough to beat him. You all are very convinced — he’s crazy, he’s whatever. He’s always been crazy like a fox. I knew he was going to win in 2016, and I’m telling you right now: If you think this impeachment hearing and everything with Sondland and the 30,000 cast of characters which, by the way, every day, is ticking lower and lower on ratings. If you think this is enough to have it locked –”
Co-host Joy Behar interjected, “Okay, we got to go…”
But the blonde bomber wasn’t ready to stop.
“— If you think this is enough to have it locked and loaded, you are naive and you are —”
In bounced Joy again:
“I would like to see these people answer subpoenas: Giuliani, Bolton and Pompeo.”
The girl was on fire:
“You aren’t listening to what I’m saying. … But you’re not listening to what I’m saying. … You’re not listening to me. Do you know what matters? Is the electoral college which is what you all should be focusing on right now and you’re not.”
Joy re-entered:
“Which was created to save slave states —
Meghan shot back, “Oh, for God’s sake.”
McCain keeps trying to tell ’em. But it appears they’re not in the mood.
Perhaps the liberal ladies are so confined to their bubbles they can’t believe the rest of the world isn’t wholly on their side and, therefore, fate must be with them as well.
Examples: Joy — who accused Trump supporters of being “in a cult” — claimed Melania always looks like she’s in a hostage video; and Sunny said she thinks Trump’s getting nervous.
Fat chance.
Personally, I’m baffled by so many on television who refuse to accept that America is diverse: People have their own set of political principles and convictions. So many talking heads discuss the politics of the country as if either 1) Hardly any voters support Trump, or 2) The ones who do are deer in the headlights idiotically caught in his spell, rather than people who genuinely believe in conservative principles.
And that, as they say, “is why you lose.”
Watch the video — it strikes me as a perfect example of what’s happening all across the boob tube. They’ve got their fingers in their ears.
As for Meghan, I don’t think she offers cautionary words as a way to stand up for the conservative side.
She hates Trump — as she’s made painfully obvious (here).
But whatever her intentions, I do believe she’s right.
The other side’s stinkin’ it up.
And for a bunch of red-hatted voters, it’s the smell of victory.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Farts Have Been Added to Eric Swalwell’s Impeachment Video, and It’s Just as Hilarious as You’d Hope
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