The kids are in fine hands…
In North Carolina, the Secret Service is investigating a woman who allegedly announced that VP Mike Pence “should be shot in the head.”
Numerous reports confirm.
Probably so numerous because she did it to a classroom full of people — the murder-endorsing lady’s a high school teacher.
The Charlotte Observer…observes:
The woman allegedly told her class at Cuthbertson High School in Union County that Pence should be “shot in the head,” WJZY reported over the weekend.
She purportedly spread the news to young skulls full o’ mush during the week of Mike’s visit to their town — Union City — to campaign for House candidate Dan Bishop.
As per a statement released to WBTV among other news agencies, the Service that’s not so Secret is taking the situation “very seriously.”
The Daily Wire relays the school district’s response:
Union County Public Schools is aware of the allegation of inappropriate comments made by a Cuthbertson High School teacher. District administrators are taking this allegation seriously and an investigation is being conducted. This is a personnel matter and information related to this alleged incident is protected by state law.
Union County GOP Chair Allison Powers told WBTV the whole thing stinks:
“You should not be bringing in those type of viewpoints to your job. … To just wish that kind of violence on anybody is just way out of bounds.”
There was a time when most people couldn’t have imagined a teacher — someone entrusted with guiding the children of their community — saying such a thing about the Vice President (or President) of the United States.
But as we’ve seen over and over, if anyone thinks things in schools are still good like that…they ain’t.
According to Charlotte’s CBS 3, the lousy lecturer’s been placed on administrative leave.
THIS JUST IN: @UCPS_MonroeNC says teacher was immediately placed on administrative leave last week after alleged inappropriate comments about VP Mike Pence. The Secret Service is aware of the reported comments made by the teacher. @WBTV_News pic.twitter.com/b2JCknt79G
— Chandler Morgan (@Chandler_TV) September 16, 2019
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