During a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing Wednesday, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar earned her congressional paycheck by introducing a resolution affirming American’s right to stick it to Israel. The idea: Isolate the country through Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions — otherwise known as BDS (though she never used the term).
As reported by The Jerusalem Post, the resolution proclaims that “all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.”
In an effort to really sell it, Ilhan weirdly compared the move against Israel to the Boston Tea Party:
“[The resolution] recognizes the proud history of boycott movements in this country dating back to the Boston Tea Party. We should honor these movements and that history. We should honor our commitment to the principles that say we must hold our friends to the same standards that we hold our adversaries.”
So we honor history by trying to substantially shut down Israel?
Rep. Ilhan Omar defends the anti-Semitic BDS movement, compares it to the Boston Tea Party. pic.twitter.com/O5wvhxuJlM
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 17, 2019
In response, Republican New York Rep. Lee Zeldin absolutely crushed Ilhan’s offering:
“My colleague who just spoke used the frequent use of the words ‘honesty’ and ‘honest.’ Let’s just get to a lot of what is left out.”
Here we go…
“The BDS movement has not distanced itself from Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization. BDS supporters individually are not distancing themselves from Hamas, either. It is wrong to be blaming all Israeli and Palestinian violence ‘as being due to an occupation.’”
And what does Hamas do? This:
“Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They declare jihad as an obligation. They deny humanitarian aid to their own people. They deny human rights, launching rockets from Gaza into Israel, killing innocent civilians.”
Israel is our best ally in the Mid East; a beacon of hope, freedom & liberty, surrounded by existential threats. Shame on Rep @Ilhan Omar for bringing her hateful twist on that reality to House Foreign today, propping up the BDS movement & blaming Israel for all of its challenges pic.twitter.com/y975D0JCaC
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) July 17, 2019
Lee went on to note the dangers the tiny country — with whom the United States has had a traditionally strong relationship — faces:
“Existential threats to Israel [are] all around it. [Israel is] our greatest ally in the Middle East, one that there’s been a historic relationship between our two nations — a beacon of hope and freedom and liberty in a region of the world that is filled with challenges.”
Ilhan’s proposal falls in line with a growing trend on her side of the aisle — the Democratic Party hasn’t exactly been fawning over the beleaguered nation as of late.
In the realm of media, left-wing CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill was fired in November after appearing to champion the destruction of Israel while speaking to the United Nations (here).
But there’s a staunch resistance elsewhere — some on the Left dropped a brick last year over Trump’s relocation of the American Embassy to Jerusalem (here).
As for Ilhan, perhaps for some she represents, BDS really is like the American revolution. It’s a revolution for a new America: Omar’s district is the #1 terrorist recruitment area of the United States (here).
To her — as well as, presumably, a contingent of those who voted her into office — Israel clearly has no right to exist. It is, simply, an “occupation”:
“We must support efforts to end the occupation…”
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
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