When you’re a woman competing as a powerlifter, it helps to be a man.
The size, the muscle mass, the speed — when you’re straining your balls off to pick up a gargantuan amount of weight, owning ovaries isn’t optimal.
So knows Laurel Hubbard — he cleaned up at the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa.
Competing in the women’s division, he finished first in the snatch-lift.
Laurel also gored gals in combined categories.
The dude walked away with two gold medals and a silver that would’ve otherwise gone to chicks — the point of the women’s division.
So dames’ division, you’re canceled. Paging all equality-touting feminists: Men are doing it to ya again.
The fairer sex did catch a break in 2018: Laurel suffered an elbow injury. Subsequently, a girl got First Place.
Larel — born Gavin — powered around in the men’s division ’til 2012. After transitioning to a league consisting of breasted, cervixed lifters with less strength, he broke several records in the World Masters Games.
Prepare for more of the same: Earlier in the month, the House passed the Equality Act, which will forcibly prevent women from having equal access to athletic success in comparison to men.
In addition to every House Democrat, a few Republicans also voted to fart on female hopefuls.
Laurel’s headed for the 2020 Olympics. To show more hens that the rooster rules the roost.
As noted above, there’s a reason the women’s division exists. Women aren’t the same as men athletically (but “science” disagrees — see here).
In a woke and oppressive frenzy, elected officials are taking sports success from ladies. There are little girls dreaming of athletic stardom who’ll never get that chance due to otherwise-door-opening medals being stolen away by little boys who’ll grow up to have hairy chests, hairy scrotums, and toxic masculinity. Those more powerful guys’ll dominate with their manness — on the track, field, court, and mat.
You’re on notice, Women’s Movement: You’re being moved — to the concession stand. The big boys are coming to take your place in the spotlight.
Courtesy of the people who claim to be on your side.
See more:
Female Track Runner Sidelined By Male Competitors Petitions The Department Of Education For Justice
It Takes Balls: Man Competes In Women’s Powerlifting, Sets Four World Records
#DefeatAllWomen: Man Wins Women’s Cycling Competition (Plus: The Future Of Sports)
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Action Star Promises His Upcoming Movie Will ‘Constantly’ Address Toxic Masculinity
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