On July 3rd, RedState’s Bonchie covered an MSNBC contributor comparing the American flag to a swastika.
These antics aren’t a whole lot more boss.
So how’d the Microsoft/NBC-founded news network react to the 4th of July extravaganza on the National Mall Thursday, which sported some tanks?
(By the way, the 4th of July is a celebration of the nation’s hard-won independence, which was accomplished by war).
Well, they responded as if Hitler had descended upon the District of Columbia.
Here’s a bit of how the event looked:
During The 11th Hour, the partisan peacock got off to a great start by rooting their segment in a bit o’ this: “WAPO: Trump Ignores Norms That Keep Military Out of Partisan Issues.”
Might it make more sense to say, “WAPO Ignores Norms That Keep Partisan Issues Out of Military”?
Or out of Independence Day?
Ali Velshi began with this knee slappin’ prod to retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey:
“What’s the circumstance, General? I’m curious. Because countries like France do hold these types of demonstrations. Obviously, we associate them more with military dictatorships.”
Nice. Reeeal nice opener.
Then Ali pushed out a question I’m still trying to figure out. Who would ask this? It’s a beaut:
“What is the right way in which we can appreciate these remarkable machines and these airplanes?”
The “right way”??
Then he followed with, “Nobody likes an air show more than I do.”
Doesn’t sound like it.
The host inquired:
“What’s the way in which this gets done without politicization?”
Uhhh…the way in which it gets done without politicization is that it happens and you don’t politicize it…with this segment and those questions.
The general seemed to go with the military dictatorship thing:
“Well, I think most of it — we’ve gotta focus on the fact that it’s Mr. Trump. That’s the problem.’
Oh — that’s the problem.
“He’s turning it into a narcissistic kind of display of his own purpose.”
Are they talking about a parade in Washington or in North Korea?
I invite you all to crack the code here…
Take it away, Barry:
“Around the country, routinely, there are air shows all over the United States, all year. … So displaying and letting the American people see their armed forces and its equipment is entirely legitimate. We just don’t want it used divisively, particularly on the 4th of July.”
How was it “used divisively”?
This is a supremely dumb attempt at sleight of hand: State that something is divisive — which is to say, be divisive. Accuse the other side of being divisive because you don’t agree with the thing that you called divisive because you didn’t agree.
More from Barry:
“Washington D.C. loves that day. It’s just a tremendous ceremony. Now, it’s gonna be another vile political fight.”
So there ya have it, folks — with a military parade celebrating a country-founding military victory of sorts, Donald Trump turned a lovable holiday into something vile.
“Donald Trump’s Using The Military And Making July 4th A Vile Political Fight” — that was MSNBC’s own headline on YouTube.
Some in the media have claimed the President made the celebration all about himself.
But who made it all about Trump — Trump, or goofballs claiming Trump made it all about Trump?
Witness more goofiness in the video below, along with a great tribute to America’s history of military parades.
See 3 more pieces from me:
AOC Spends Her 4th Of July Attacking America – Does It Serve As A Broader Sign Of The Times?
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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