In 2018, I covered the story of 11-year-old “drag kid” Desmond is Amazing (here).
Information for my article was culled only from Desmond’s official website as well as the official Facebook page for the anti-gun group with which he protests.
Subsequently, a website called what I wrote a “hit piece,” which it was not.
I merely stated what existed. In a colorful way, yes; but with no abject criticism.
As I marveled in March:
We’re living in a bizarre time when things are so strange that simply recognizing their existence can be interpreted as making fun of them.
Nonetheless, following the form of much online journalism, other websites copied the initial, untrue story — RedState writer attacks 11-year-old boy.
But here’s more hoopla surrounding the drag kid situation as of late; or at least, the circumstances of Desmond’s mom, Wendy Napoles.
Last week on Instagram, Wendy slammed a “convicted pedophile” blogger for sexualizing her little boy. Additionally, she condemned “conservative media” for accusing her of “purposely attracting pedophiles.”
Here are some excerpts:
This is extremely disturbing. Convicted pedophile Tom O’Carroll has written a blog post stating that Desmond is hot & feels sexy performing. He also sexualizes fellow drag kid Queen Lactatia. We do not approve of his statements & have written to @wordpressdotcom several times but they have yet to remove it. It is highly inappropriate to speak of minors in this manner.
[T]he Conservative press is currently accusing us of purposely attracting pedophiles & accusing the LGBTQ community of supporting this. What Tom O’Carroll has said is out of our control & we do not know him or associate with him or any other pedophiles or sex offenders. I think if a pedophile wants to act on their urges, NO child is safe.
Desmond came out as gay when he was 11. Although, honestly we knew before then. He got same sex crushes that he would tell me about. Desmond knows the difference between a heterosexual & homosexual. Just because he identifies as gay does not mean he is sexually active or wants to be. He knows what sex is…he’s in middle school and has had sex education class. Apparently, he said all the kids giggled through the whole course. Anyone discussing anything remotely sexual on Desmond’s social media is immediately blocked & reported. We are just appalled at this whole situation – Mom.
So there ya go.
Earlier this year, Child Protective Services visited the Napoles home. The reason: A video appeared online showing Desmond dancing at the 3 Dollar Bill — a gay bar in Brooklyn — while patrons threw cash at him (here).
Desmond also made headlines due to a video made when he was — at the oldest — 11, wherein he mimicked sniffing a drug with a drag adult:
11-year old drag kid demonstrates snorting ketamine. Why would anyone think this healthy? pic.twitter.com/BMfYCzDBmq
— No One 🇺🇸 (@tweettruth2me) January 13, 2019
I’m assuming Wendy Napoles enjoys controversy.
By the way, see more about Queen Lactacia at “Mother Has 10-Year-Old Drag Queen Son Photographed With Naked Man.”
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, and here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets Violently Attacked In South Africa, & The Video Is Incredible
Conservative Tomi Lahren VS. Alabama’s Fetal Heartbeat Bill
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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As Pride month comes to a close, Desmond Is Amazing, the ten-year-old drag kid from New York, is proof that the future is queer. 🌈 pic.twitter.com/6rLhs9qlIz
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) June 29, 2018
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