On Thursday afternoon, fiscally conservative Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren condemned Alabama’s fetal heartbeat bill:
“I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive. It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don’t encourage life via blanket government mandate!”
I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive. It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don’t encourage life via blanket government mandate!
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 16, 2019
Actress Jessica Chastain was impressed:
Wow this took courage. Thank you for speaking out to protect women.
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) May 17, 2019
Some weren’t as excited:
Can say “Faith” and “Family” when you’re pro-infanticide. pic.twitter.com/g7PVXNyuSn
— R. A. Snider (@addtothyfaith) May 17, 2019
She posted another tweet in the evening, accusing critics of having a superiority complex:
“If you think banning abortion with no exception for rape or incest will stop women from terminating pregnancy, you’re not being honest with yourself. P.S. you’re not God so don’t you dare evaluate my Christian faith based on your moral superiority complex.”
If you think banning abortion with no exception for rape or incest will stop women from terminating pregnancy, you’re not being honest with yourself.
P.S. you’re not God so don’t you dare evaluate my Christian faith based on your moral superiority complex. https://t.co/TUbRPqudkm
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 16, 2019
Of course, Tomi’s no stranger to controversy over abortion: She was fired by TheBlaze two years ago after calling simultaneous support of both limited government and pro-life legislation “hypocritical.” She sued for wrongful termination, which led to an out-of-court settlement.
In light of New York and Virginia’s endorsement of child murder (here, here, and here), Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims’s harassment of the elderly and young girls (here, here, and here), and the recent feud over heartbeat bills in Georgia and Alabama (here, here, here, and here), it seems to me that the intensity of the abortion debate has skyrocketed. Tomi Lahren’s put herself in the middle of that fight. In my opinion, it’s not a particularly wise move: When this is over, many left-wingers will still dislike her; and conservatives in the battle won’t soon forget her outspoken stance.
Will you?
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Tomi Lahren Attacked At Minneapolis Restaurant, And You’ll Be Shocked By Her Supporters
September 11th: Remembering Not Only Tragedy, But Something Greater
Reminding Us ‘What Happened’: Hillary’s (Latest) Ridiculous Claim Of Democratic Crisis Under Trump
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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