Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is jonesin’ for Hispanic votes.
Therefore, “Latinos for Trump” is kickin’ off in Miami on June 25th — one day before the first of the Democratic debates.
On the 26th & 27th, 20 of the 23 determined Dems’ll battle it out (see all their late-term abortion positions here).
Oy. It’s gonna get ugly.
As for the stump for Trump, VP Mike Pence will be among the GOP officials in attendance.
Hanna Castillo — director of coalitions for Trump 2020 — told The Hill Donald’s Hispanic fans are instrumental in his continued occupancy of the White House (which will hilariously last thousands of years — see here):
“The strong Latino support for President Trump and his policies will be instrumental in re-electing the president for a second term.”
Between 2014 and 2018, the number of Hispanic voters in Florida nearly doubled — holy moly.
What are some of Trump’s “pro-Hispanic” policies that oughta make ’em swoon?
As noted by The Hill, a couple are low unemployment and the Commander-in-Chief’s support of crapped-up Venezueala’s opposition leader Juan Guaidó — Juan aims to replace President Nicolás I-ain’t-goin’-nowhere Maduro (here).
In addition, recently the Leader of the Free World insisted to Telemundo that legal Hispanics support his position on deporting illegals. Here’s a bit of that convo with anchor José Díaz-Balart:
“They want me to do it. They’re here illegally,” Trump said.
“Mr. President, they do not,” Díaz-Balart responded.
“They do,” Trump reiterated. “They don’t want to lose their jobs. They want to keep their salaries, their wages up, and they don’t want crime. When people come through, you have MS-13 coming through.”
Díaz-Balart pushed back, telling Trump MS-13 gang members do not make up the majority of migrants seeking to enter the U.S.
“The mothers that are coming with their children are not MS-13,” he said.
“I agree, but if it was 1 in 100 it’s too many,” Trump responded.
What do you think of Trump’s 2020 Hispanic appeal? And what do you expect in the upcoming debates? Let us all know in the Comments section.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here
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