Jose Evis Quintana is the father of Colorado high school shooting suspect Maya McKinney.
On Tuesday (allegedly) — along with Devon Erickson — Maya thought it’d be a good idea to shoot up STEM School Highlands Ranch.
The attack saw 9 people struck by bullets, including hero Kendrick Castillo — who was killed in the process of subduing the shooters.
What’s notable about Maya dad Jose is that he’s a serial felon and Mexican national in the country illegally, having been deported twice.
According to the Daily Mail, in August of 2008, Jose was charged with failing to stop for police, driving without a license, attempting to kidnap, and “menacing” with a weapon toward Morgan Lynn McKinney — Maya’s mom. All charges except the “menacing” crime were dropped, and he served 15 months in the clink with the contingent of domestic violence counseling.
Then Morgan married him, as ya do.
Nice move.
Thirteen months later, he was deported.
Fast forward past a divorce, and Jose earned a warrant for domestic violence in New Mexico. Make that deportation number two.
Currently, Maya prefers to go by “Alec,” and she tells people she’s a dude.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail, here’s a list of Jose’s dealings with the law:
- August 22, 2008 – Arrested by Douglas County Sheriff’s in Castle Rock, Colorado for kidnapping, menacing with a weapon, evading police in a car, and driving without a valid license. He is released on bail
- December 15, 2008 – Arrested for breaking bail conditions and held in custody
- January 26, 2009 – Released on bail
- February 2, 2009 – Arrested for failing to speak to court staff. He is jailed again
- May 4, 2009 – He is released from prison with a protection order
- July 10, 2009 – Arrested for breaking the protection order, a domestic violence offence, he is sent back to jail
- September 11, 2009 – All charges bar menacing with a weapon are dropped and after pleading guilty he serves 15 months in prison
- December 9, 2010 – He is deported to Mexico
- December 27, 2016 – Douglas County Sheriff’s Department are alerted he is wanted as a fugitive for a domestic violence crime in New Mexico. They arrest him in Castle Rock
- April 21, 2017 – Fighting extradition to New Mexico, ICE agents deport him to Mexico
Maya came into the world under terrible circumstances. It’s not a shock that she could end up involved in a crime. And now, for the rest of her life, she’ll live with the knowledge that she caused the loss of an innocent life. Perhaps it could be said that Jose Evis Quintana should live each day with that burden as well.
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EXCLUSIVE: Mexican father of alleged Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney was jailed for a weapons offense and deported TWICE https://t.co/Kc4SgkMOoA
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) May 10, 2019
• Alec McKinney pic.twitter.com/24J8bJMvsn
— isa 🌙 (@iwsabela) May 8, 2019
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