WATCH: James Woods Calls out Diane Feinstein's (and the Dems') Illegal Immigration Hypocrisy



The wall is an immorality (here), and illegal aliens should have drivers licenses (here).

And Trump is a racist (here), and conservatives are xenophobes (here).


And illegal aliens are more American than are Republicans.

That’s the line we’re getting these days, though it flies in the face of Democrats of days gone by — Bill Clinton, for one, as seen in the video at the bottom of this article.

But what of Dems still occupying seats in Congress?

Both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer (along with Barack Obama) voted for 2006’s Fence Act (here).

Furthermore, there’s this — a video shared on Twitter Thursday, by that outspoken conservative Hollywoodite, Oscar nominee James Woods:

In addition to his penchant for calling out politicians (like here), Citizen James has shown himself to be full of compassion for his fellow man, as well as for animals (like here and here).

Congressional Democrats have shown themselves to be full of horse pucky.


As for Diane, please find a bonus track of the senator’s authoritarian ways below.



My relevant RedState links in this article: hereherehereherehereherehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Time’s Trump/Putin morph, Donald’s transgenderism stance, and NY’s reefer madness.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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